Message from @LokiV
Discord ID: 757285648364208331
To answer those questions to the best of my ability: "What is selecting and driving the activity? Which is the first selection and gas paddle?" I would say: "It's a non deterministic and non - physical happening, for sure!" (I wouldn't use "mechanism" precisely because it induces a deterministic / materialistic mindview to the reader, so I used "happening" for the lack of a better term). Heidegger's "Dasein" would be better i guess.
Loving your insight @Yussuki ₪
I'm intrigued by the conversation. Also by the mystery of who this greatest thinker is!
GIGO - False premises, non-sequiturs, even if there are some loosely related interesting issues.
> @everyone I was DM'ing with what I believe to be one of the greatest thinkers in human history tonight and I thought it would be fun to share the beginning of our conversation. I would like to hear your responses.
I think you are Mixing up dimensions here... You are projecting a observation of a complex system were youre statement might applied. And taking this conclusion and projecting to physics and taking it even on step further and making it a fundamental law.
Do not take me wrong, I do not say it is false but in my opinion you are mixing up rules of complex systems and applying terms like pleasure to forces and laws which are more abstract and in the realm of description. In other words you are projecting your complex human experience onto the shallow comprehension of the physics we now at this moment..
Anyway I am very excited about this thought experiment.
I do hope you bend this discord server to more of these thought science philosophy based thoughts.
I grew sick and tired of al these political discussions.
In my opinion there were shallow.
Edgy maybe deliberately probably, to attract discord but the mean reason you ads commercial YouTube was retracted.
Way more potential useful thoughts then political shit.
@MerlinCrow I disagree with you Sir and here is why:
1. ---> Even if you "project an observation of a complex system where your statement might apply", that doesn't mean that the conclusions of such projection are erroneous. In fact, there is more evidence to the contrary.
2. ---> Mixing rules of complex systems and applying terms like pleasure to forces and laws" is very useful when trying to assign meaning to random data, thus transforming it into meaningful information you can act upon. It is a phisical phenomenon that teaches the "young scientist" not to touch the stove. Even inferring that the "rules of complex systems" cannot work in other "less complex systems" is a fallacy, since you can always fabricate a less complex system while maintaining at least 1 rule from it's parent (more complex system). In fact, it can be proven that the more complex a system is --> the more rules it has. Therefore, the probability that more of those rules can be applied to infinitely "less complex systems" grows infinitely big.
3. ---> "Projecting your complex human experience onto the shallow comprehension of the physics at this moment" ---> is actually the ONLY fundamental way of how humans "uncovered" every "Fundamental Law" we know so far. Newton did it at "his moment", Einstein did it at "his moment", Maxwell, Faraday and so on. It is precisely that through projecting our human complex experience that we transgressed our physical limitations.
4. ---> As for POLITICS, I would argue that it's crucial in helping or hindering our efforts in working with Fundamental Laws and carving a better future.
5. --- > As for monetization and money, I wouldn't lose any precious time in commenting a non-issue which I consider trivial. I'm grateful I am able to exchange ideas in good-faith with people of different backgrounds 😛 I foresee a great expansion of this Community under mr Pagburn ^_^ It's useful for me especially because i can improve my rudimentary English...
@Yussuki ₪ Read better how I state my opinion. I use phrases like "I Think" very deliberate. I even state that the thought experiment might even has merit. Pangburn simply asks to reply on the short text in bleu and is very deliberately asking to respond on that text as if that is all the information I got. And that is exactly what I am doing. The difference between you and me is that you are quite sure about a lot of things I can see that how your state your points. I think doubt and try to understand.
@MerlinCrow I would discuss ideas rather than people when possible 🤗 I still disagree with your point of view as expressed above 😛 I find your subtle irony regarding my person quite funny 🥳 I won't engage in that discussion since it's off topic and unfruitful. Have a 🍕 my friend 🍟 I strongly believe that there are more things that unite us rather than setting us apart 🌍
@everyone thoughts on consensual euthanasia?
It should be legal.
At what point would it be acceptable for someone to opt for euthanasia
@kaizen any time ever. Consenting adults should be able to do what they want.
The only limiter I can think of is when someone is generally healthy and owes me a lot of money. 🤔 (other such situations where something is on-goingly dependent on them,there is a commitment that they will come through, and the well being of others is dependent on them)
What constitutes consent by the guest of honor in snuff?
That does not compute.
@StoneCold316 I think there should be some requirements that people have to make sure they pass to euthanize
How do we avoid prejudices of nutcase shrinks, or about ritual sex killing, when cleaning religious garbage from the DSM is still a problem?
Does the idea of collecting all 7 DSM releases (-iii & -IV had tr updates) to research political, religious, and other bias, that arguably amounts to medical malpractice, scare off everyone else here? (Yes, every edition is in my personal library.)
@everyone First MAN HEALTH Highlight video is up - The Streets of Edmonton -Black Lives Matter, Circumcision, Depression & more -
Good video!
Thanks man! @StoneCold316
@everyone this segment is great to brush up on what we know about the human brain.
Want to borrow my AT897 shotgun mic, w/ a nice wind muff over the base windscreen, and on a shock mount and pole? Then add a musician's condenser mic boom headset so you're not holding your own mic, and have hands free for other needs?
You did well in that new video engaging some guys on pretty heavy meds.... But who weren't entirely honest about their comorbidities, when an anti-psychotic known for nasty side effects was part of the cocktail. Does AlbertaHealth push cheap formularies, over less nasty to users on such meds?
@everyone beautiful animation and information on the synapse
^^^ How abut if you dose that with Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin, as suggested by UK doctors Adam Kay & Suman Biswah?
Lets talk
Centere of idological disease
Sure, but some other time. I'm on a less stable and limited cap AP until Iget my utiliities fixed from a drunk tearing stuff up Friday. '
> @everyone beautiful animation and information on the synapse
@ThePangburn the brain is fucking amazing.
@everyone I like this Kaku clip.
@everyone I added a new text channel <#757466387789906060> . This channel is pretty straight forward. An AMA that is always available. You can ask me anything you wish and I will answer the best I can, when I can.