Message from @vinisimhadri

Discord ID: 762154644306001920

2020-10-03 18:14:48 UTC  

@1eyeddogwatches that's so great, i'm sure you worked hard to achive that, keep up the good work! 💓

2020-10-03 18:16:21 UTC  

@Barbie G. What are your thoughts on how PA is going to vote this election? What do you see on the ground in PA?

2020-10-03 18:18:39 UTC  

I’ve been screaming from the mountain tops, the Baby Boomers are going to sink us. One final punishment from the generation that rigged the system for themselves. Now they will pull the lever for Biden

2020-10-03 18:24:12 UTC  

You may have a point. One of my friends and his sister were liberals, then they took the red pill. Their parents were used to be conservative—but now they’re liberal. He remarked it was very strange how the tides had turned.

2020-10-03 18:24:34 UTC  

Not to hijack the bios channel (I’ll take this elsewhere)

2020-10-03 18:24:38 UTC  

All the boomers I know are republican conservatives....

2020-10-03 20:20:46 UTC  

Hey y’all! I’m a proud born and raised Texan and American who loves and supports our country. I work for a software company in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and am heavily involved in my church. I want to see our country return to many of the things that so many of us cherish in traditional values such as love for God, People and Country. I want to help guide our country back to those traditions and leave a better place for my children and someday when they grow up, their children and beyond. #GodBlessAmerica

2020-10-04 00:12:52 UTC  

Hello folks! I'm a 20 year old Oregonian who has supported Trump since (almost) the beginning. I was originally for Bernie until he endorsed Hillary in 2016 against Trump, so I gave Trump a chance and looked into the truth... Since then, I've been one of his many supporters! I truly believe that Trump is working to make our country better than it's ever been in a long time. I'm so glad I've managed to get along with other patriots, cause y'all are just amazing! I love God, wish to help the children that are being abused by the elite, and I just know we are going to keep winning once our president is re-elected. I'm also in the LGBTQA+ community and I got really happy to hear that he support us because honestly hell yea! But anyways, I hope we get along!

2020-10-04 00:13:57 UTC  


2020-10-04 00:15:26 UTC  

I'm a LG[B]TQ Trumper as well, welcome 🙂

2020-10-04 00:16:08 UTC  

Ayyy!! I'm happy to hear that, and thanks for the welcome! :D

2020-10-04 00:16:51 UTC  

32 year old, conservative. Been a trump fan since day one. just a laid back person who doesnt want to argue with anyone. Lifes too short!

2020-10-04 00:17:25 UTC  

You can say that again!

2020-10-04 00:18:08 UTC  

@Batmaaaannananana I think many LGBT people will start to reject the Left as their toxicity becomes more crystal clear and as they learn that it isn’t us that are the hateful ones.

2020-10-04 00:19:30 UTC  

I truly hope so, the left absolutely don't care about anyone and just want to break apart communities and countries. So I hope they see that very soon especially after how people have been treating trump lately

2020-10-04 00:19:46 UTC  

Hey y’all just joined. I’m Jennifer from San Antonio Texas. I haven’t voted in a presidential election since gerorge bush jr’s first term. I didn’t like either Trump or Hilary last year but I Thoroughly enjoyed watching him win and everybody lose their minds.

Since then, I’ve watched all the good this man has done for our country despite all the hate he has endured and as we become more and more divided and the evidence of the corruption from the left continues to come to light, I’m planning to be at the polls the first day of early voting on October 13th, waiting in line.

Thanks for having me

2020-10-04 00:20:41 UTC  

Jennifer let’s hope that there are many people just like you out there. Super glad to have you.

2020-10-04 00:24:26 UTC  

Hi 👋🏻 Jay 53 from England. Business owner ( just about still ) U.K. government sold us out, it was always going to take someone other than a politician to restore some sort of faith in a system so on the Trump train I jumped! Amazing following amazing people! The spirit of the USA as I remember it growing up as a boy! Trump 2020 drain the swamp ✌🏻

2020-10-04 00:28:48 UTC  

I’ve also never been a prepper but I am undeniably concerned about a civil war and/or Antifa rioting taking a stronghold on my city as it has in places like Portland and Seattle. Since their preferred weapon is arson, and I can’t shoot that in the head no matter how much ammo I stock up on, my trunk stays loaded with food, clothes & essentials in the event we have to leave in a hurry. I also keep my tank full in the event the gas pumps are overloaded and a shortage occurs (it’s happened in my city before- after Hurricane Harvey.) I might sound crazy to many people so I don’t openly share this information with many but chance favors those whom are prepared.

Sharing here because I see some call outs for writers and I’m not sure exactly what types of contributions you may be looking for. ❤️

2020-10-04 00:53:32 UTC  

I am a 35 year old Male Conservative from Florida I have been a trump supporter since day one!

2020-10-04 03:30:27 UTC  

Hi everyone nice to meet you all. I am a 26 yr old Indian girl from PA and currently am a 1L at Drexel Law School. I have been a Republican my whole life and am also Secretary of the Federalist Society chapter at my school. I also manage social media for the Women’s Political Caucus of NJ. I enjoy getting to know you all.

2020-10-04 03:45:09 UTC  

Hello all! I’m Jen, 42 living in West Chester PA, have a big 12 year old golden retriever. I work in healthcare consulting and analytics. I love America and am eternally grateful for our fierce first family, especially our President for his service.

2020-10-04 03:46:19 UTC  

Jen I grew up in havertown. 💪.

2020-10-04 03:48:31 UTC  

Frank from Long Beach California. Philly born and raised. I’m an account executive! Trying to make my way out of Cali.

2020-10-04 04:54:40 UTC  

Hi everyone,
I'm Dawn from Mansfield, Ohio and I just joined. I have been a conservative for years and years but I have never been more invested than the past 4 years! I love our president and believe he has done so much for our country and it's people! It's truly amazing what he has been through by the left.
It is going to be wild next 30 days...we all must stay strong and help anyone we know get to the polls! The future is at stake and we the not so silent majority must stand our ground!!!! We must vote! God bless you all and our President and his family!

2020-10-04 05:19:30 UTC  

@goldengirl113 I used to work in and around West Chester! 🙌🏻

2020-10-04 17:43:37 UTC  

I am a being living the human experience. I dont belong to any particular crowd but I find myself leaning closer to like minded folks like you all. I live in FL but reside in my mind lol

2020-10-04 22:58:29 UTC  

Hello all, I’m Amy from Illinois, freelance graphic designer, Patriot, Trump supporting, Republican all the way!

2020-10-04 23:58:45 UTC  

Welcome Amy!

2020-10-05 03:10:35 UTC  

Hello all! Escaped from Illinois but now I live Michigan! MAGA supporter 100%. Live by GOD and CHRIST!

2020-10-05 16:40:50 UTC  

Tell us about yourself! Who are you? Where are you from? What's your Red Pill story?

2020-10-06 00:07:53 UTC  

Hello all, I’m from Michigan. Have seen firsthand corruption in the legal system related to a child sex abuse case. When I read Q it immediately clicked.

2020-10-06 15:38:11 UTC  

My red pill came to me very young. 9-11 did not fool me. I knew I was being lied to. Then about a year later, my brother and I found something that made us realize that our own government was plotting against us. Been a conspiracy theorist ever since. Been prepping for any and all things that may come and have strived to be as self sufficient as possible. Now I’m looking to connect with as many good people who are awake as I can.