
Discord ID: 762102990210859029

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Ok Iโ€™m here! Jenna Flair on Twitter. Thanks for the invite!

I just added this app so Iโ€™ll need to spend some time setting it up. Any advice for a newb?


Hey yโ€™all just joined. Iโ€™m Jennifer from San Antonio Texas. I havenโ€™t voted in a presidential election since gerorge bush jrโ€™s first term. I didnโ€™t like either Trump or Hilary last year but I Thoroughly enjoyed watching him win and everybody lose their minds.

Since then, Iโ€™ve watched all the good this man has done for our country despite all the hate he has endured and as we become more and more divided and the evidence of the corruption from the left continues to come to light, Iโ€™m planning to be at the polls the first day of early voting on October 13th, waiting in line.

Thanks for having me

Iโ€™ve also never been a prepper but I am undeniably concerned about a civil war and/or Antifa rioting taking a stronghold on my city as it has in places like Portland and Seattle. Since their preferred weapon is arson, and I canโ€™t shoot that in the head no matter how much ammo I stock up on, my trunk stays loaded with food, clothes & essentials in the event we have to leave in a hurry. I also keep my tank full in the event the gas pumps are overloaded and a shortage occurs (itโ€™s happened in my city before- after Hurricane Harvey.) I might sound crazy to many people so I donโ€™t openly share this information with many but chance favors those whom are prepared.

Sharing here because I see some call outs for writers and Iโ€™m not sure exactly what types of contributions you may be looking for. โค๏ธ

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