Guiding Light

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Hello all! Escaped from Illinois but now I live Michigan! MAGA supporter 100%. Live by GOD and CHRIST!

I have been falling down the Rabbit hole for 3 days now! You know what I found? Literally almost every business is corrupt except for Mom and Pop shops. So sad what people do for money and fame. God will judge all in the end! God bless you all

Have you ever seen the series called continuum?

It's about the future and how corporations run our world and they have to go back in time to fix it, ironic isn't it? Looking glass?

It's that saying, hide things in plain sight

They have been literally Toying with us for decades!

I'm curious to know, what year did you wake up?

I've been working in the construction industry for 20 years now. When I saw the towers in the way that they fell I knew that was a controlled takedown!

Do you know what was presumably underneath the buildings?

Supposedly all of our gold

It shows you how dumb they are especially in the digital age to use the world's largest storage base to communicate

The one that amazes me the most, is the hole in the side of the Pentagon where they said a plane flew into it. How dumb are people?

And what was stored in that area where was where 9 trillion dollars went missing

People literally have the best forensics tool in their hand and all they care about is what the Kardashians are doing! People

Did you know in ancient times when they're started an uprising the king would have Gladiators fight in the arena, misdirection? Why do you think we have football, Hockey, baseball and the other 50 Sports.

Another thing people don't look at. Nancy Pelosi in 1997 was worth between 2 and 3 million dollars. She is now worth over 130 million dollars! You don't get that rich making $175,000 a year

Over 500 politicians in office are multi-millionaires or billionaires

What really led me to all of this is my friend and I have been investigating intelligent life outside of Earth for decades. The truth will set you free!

It's so disgusting, isn't it? All over money Fame and sadly children!

Yes! We really need to start getting people to use #SaveOurChildren in every tweet and retweet to wake people up because that's the only thing that will bring us together!

Here is one of the things I thought about, tell me what you think? With JFK Junior coming out on October 17th and running with Trump would make all the mail-in ballots null and void. That would force people to vote in person.

From reading so many post over the last 3 days my conclusion is: The military will arrest everybody that is involved which it is literally thousands of people in our country but in the meantime Trump will display all their confessions through all stations.

I'm new here. LOL I thought we were in an open chat

If there's a place that we can free some Minds from the MATRIX, lead the way. ๐Ÿ˜

I found some really funny memes on Facebook today, would you like some?

Found some funny memes on Facebook today? Enjoy!

When people say the left can't meme, it is so true.

I read this report about a month and a half to two months ago about how the CIA was using cell phone towers to manipulate people's thoughts

The things that really make you think are, Einstein only used 13 to 15% of his brain? It makes you think what is the other 87 to 85% for?

I feel sorry for these people, life means nothing to them! God will judge all in the end!

What's funny is when this whole covid-19 came out I started laughing because I literally have not been sick in 25 years, not even a cold

God has a reason for everything and I don't think it's that

Hi Daise, when? I have wanting this you years!!!๐Ÿ‘ฝ

The hatred that these people have is just incredible! I would say the Democratic party has done its job in separating us!

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