
Discord ID: 578032503370285056

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Just watched @HollieSmith1980s message on Twitter and followed the link! We need to ban together now more than ever! #Trump2020

Very Excited to be here!

I'm a 40 year old father of 3! I love my God, my family and my country! I'm at IT professional by trade.
I woke up 2016 with #pizaagate and after Trump got elected i put my head in the sand. I discovered 17 last year and I've been on a journey for truth ever since.

So where is everyone from? Texas here.

Does anyone know when he is going to speak to us?

If Trump says "My fellow Americans, the storm us upon us" i'm going to loose my s*%t

I love that clip @DonHark

I did see a map talking about those plans being deployed on the east and west coast

Yes, news is habbening so fast!

I hear that @JERSEY_SEAN

I'm getting me some adult beverages tonight!

Thanks for that @DonHark

I'll be back on this evening for some conversations. #WWG1WGA

Video was super low quality and lots of noise.....hmmmm

And listen to the's like he's in a concrete room with no furniture...lots of reverb.

From my wife..take with a grain of salt. "My mom's friend in DC know some people who are Highup and said it's actually worse than people are saying and that he really is sick"

> Yes I am a little worried myself, it just feels an awful like a Boris Johnson redux.
@brianbyrd88 precisely!

> POTUS tweeted out the word Weli last night. It looked like well, but it was intentional. It literally means Trump card. Trust the plan.
@DonHark Dude! Nice find!

All the boomers I know are republican conservatives....

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