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2020-09-23 18:05:04 UTC [USA Freedom First #bios]  

This appears to be much more user friendly than Discord.

2020-09-23 18:05:10 UTC [USA Freedom First #bios]  

I mean Slack.

2020-09-23 18:19:01 UTC [USA Freedom First #trump2020]  

This is great, we need a wide segment of the population. Broad strengths and experiences. If we all know what we are good at and let others handle what we aren't we can do great things.

2020-09-23 18:20:01 UTC [USA Freedom First #trump2020]  

I just had a great phone call with Jared. While obviously we would love to convert new voters, this needs to be a movement that we are building for the long haul.

2020-09-23 18:30:51 UTC [USA Freedom First #trump2020]  

Yes we just need many more people. How does everyone feel about this versus slack? This seems much more user friendly to me, but I'm open to whatever you all think.

2020-09-23 21:08:11 UTC [USA Freedom First #trump2020]  

Good to see more and more people joining.

2020-09-23 21:09:13 UTC [USA Freedom First #trump2020]  

My absolute strongest recommendation is that the identity of this group has to be a witty incorporation of the red-pill. The more artistic minded can probably be huge on this.

We in it to win it?

Hollie and Daisy, I now pronounce you Twitter Wife and Wife.

Did you bring the ring, Daisy?


Here is we go

They habe been prepping Biden for days for this. He will be fine for 40 mins


yes this is a demolition

Whatever position i take


he wouldnt answer the court packing

wallace nt a single follow up

Biden doesnt have a clue on how any economic ideas

any not how

real disgusting

Play it?

The tape about the stupid bastards

What a fraud this was by Wallace. What a whimpering weasel he is.

Obviously Trump is 100x sharper, but the expectations are so low for Biden that we didnt score a knock out blow at all

Not a single follow up by Wallace can do that

yes the cover he provided was crazy

But trump did too sometimes by interupting him when he was about to go off the rails

Maybe in debate two or three there may be a follow up of Biden. Biden will be in bed all day tomorrow, those drugs wreck your body.


Letโ€™s use the twitter to recruit and then get everyone in here

Is there a way to pin my post Daisy into Discord so people can see it.

Can we invite the others who arenโ€™t in?

I see that you are awesome at social media

Iโ€™m 32 going on 82.

Isnโ€™t that the one we are in?

If someone could make a tweet inviting people to our red pill group, and we all retweet it, that would be great. I guess start with Hollie, and then everyone retweets her if she has the most

What should it say, Iโ€™ll text Hollie.

A coordinated tweet to invite people here and yes if there was a way to have a pinned message for new people. Exactly, yessir

How do we do that?

Awesome, Jared will have to do that.

Cool we will get Jared to do it

The principal purpose of the twitter group is to retweet news of the day that needs to get out to the blind public. To aggressively recruit dedicated personโ€™s with a passion against โ€œLeftism.โ€ To attempt to red-pill as many people as possible. Hollie and Jared producing a podcast, and as this twitter grows we will transfer over to the discord group. For now, recruit as many dedicated people as possible. Cookie is our superstar recruiter and Hollie and Daisy are also warriors as well. We will take any help in that regard that we can get.

Thank you to Daisy and Legitimate

Legitimate what is your name?

Daisy we need people like you. There are so many out there that feel exactly the same way. We need all those people to come join us in the U.S.

Where would you like to live?

If Biden wins you are coming for sure

Karene, great to have you here!

Yes itโ€™s going to be brutal losing our rights to firearms

Iโ€™m very big into shooting.

Yes unfortunately Canada is long gone.

They can do dramatic changes to gun sales and most of all ammunition

Ammo costs are crazy already

How is it in Canada as a Conservative? How much of a black sheep are you?

Lol I figured, I canโ€™t even imagine that. Pure courage to do what you are doing. You are truly a fighter.

Great to have you all

Great to have you, we welcome all patriots.

Great to have you Pixie.

Yes Iโ€™ve seen some of your tweets, we need you

Glad to have everyone, we need to build this thing and have a team nationwide.

Free thought is encouraged, a total difference from the Left, where any dissent is shouted down and you are shamed for it.

Yes, we have to.

Exactly, the retweets are huge

I am but I never use it.

Iโ€™ve heard it is getting a lot better

We need to grow this group with like minded people and retweet so we can get the truth out

Itโ€™s all good, the left is coming for all of our rights

Yes we definitely need a Q channel for this kind of talk so it doesnโ€™t clog the discord.

Youโ€™re all good. We just need a channel for this.

Sometimes everybody can see whatโ€™s coming.

No Iโ€™m referencing that this conversation is enough to be declared clinically insane.

The people on need to be made aware of this, they are lost people.

Welcome to the group, we could always use help at times

Absolutely the PC culture will be the major theme of the podcast

Lol it was out there for sure.

Welcome Zack!

Welcome ShellC3 can you both tell us a little about yourselves?

Great to have you all, please retweet Hollieโ€™s tweet and feel free to add any other dedicated patriots.

Welcome Stacy and Crazyj, please give us a short bio of yourself.

Yes the phone app is fairly straight forward, also the computer app.

We all follow each other on twitter and retweet the big info we need to get out there. It dramatically helps with getting our message out. There will be a podcast very soon as well.

Great to have you Phillip, can you introduce yourself as well?

Incredible welcome to you all, we are building a digital army of patriots. This will be huge

We use twitter to retweet each other and get our message out.

Great to have all the new members, feel free to invite any other passionate patriots and to retweet Hollieโ€™s invitation video.

Florida for me

@binary_library Is another one of our international members and she is brilliant. We need intellectuals like her as we seek to grow this coalition and a truly big tent worldwide. We are not the radical right, we are people who reject in total Leftism and all the hate that comes with it.

Welcome to all the new members!

Hey Cam nice to have you in here.

A good way to keep up with following each other is to simply follow those who liked Hollieโ€™s invitation video post.

Nothing was more intellectually dishonest than that headline that is for sure.

Everyone can add their twitter handles to the twitter handle channel on Discord.

If you love our country, you are free to your own opinions that you want here.

Welcome Leslie.

I'm Brian, I am a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Florida. I'm more of a traditional Conservative/Libertarian than the populism of the moment. I will be a host of the upcoming podcast "The Red-Pill Report," along with Hollie. We need to build a large tent of those proud of their country and unembarassed to hold traditional values. Glad to have you all here!

Hopefully just precautionary but the President is heading to Walter Reed Medical Center.

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