Message from @Janel Cartrett
Discord ID: 505144225457897472
You have gained a rank @RoguePatriot, you just advanced to 1 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
Just walked away from listening to a bunch of liberals talking about the so-coined "MAGAbomber." They are all convinced it is a 'he,' possibly of a group (i.e. rt wing militia), paid to make and send the bombs - him being willing because he idolizes POTUS. The person is unintelligent, maybe even having a mood disorder, and has a female companion (not girlfriend, just someone who is like minded). The person supposedly made and sent the bombs, thinking he was helping POTUS, but too ignorant to know he wasn't. Don't know if they came to these conclusions together, separately or heard it from somewhere else. Just know they wouldn't listen to any other possibilities. THE TRUTH about abortion
The truth about abortion
@pocketangel3 loved loved your pumkin carving!!! Great Job!
My kid & I didn't it & wearing are working on Q pumpkin lol
@pocketangel3 OH Wow that would be awesome!!!
Did it not spelling good
Read Q post 1009 then you should understand what is being done here. They are using the same trafficking lanes that are used to smuggle drugs, children,ms13 etc.. This is why Jeff Flake, and the executed No Name were against POTUS. They know what is about to happen. Connect the Dots People.What if POTUS knew in advance about the Invasion of Immigrants, and is allowing the 'caravan' to proceed as part of a bigger plan? Just the fact that we seem to be inching closer to what has already been deemed a National Emergency would lead one to believe that the next step would be POTUS imposing temporary Martial Law to deal with the emergency. This would fulfill what Q stated about The Plan; FISA DECLAS, Martial Law, Military Operation, National Guard, unsealing of indictments and subsequent round-up of deep state players. It all makes sense and the timing appears correct.
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