
Discord ID: 434754945775042570

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I thought I read public was invited to the hearing.

No Live feed not even listed as live feed statoin

Seems to be off air

Pams on live at CW show

I have been kicked out of the live stream 3 times so far today before it went off


No facial hair

This was pointed out on twitter by @KStreckf who had a copy of this pic on her page, like she said no wonder Q wanted us to suffer through it. This is at the very end of the video when he's walking off the stage. The video was tampered with....

right Green screen as his hand totally disappears

Why does the LA County Sheriff badge have Pedo symbols???

Urban Outfitters now promotes pedophilia IMPRESSION:

One of the newest accusers. Hmmm. Follow the money.

Syracuse NY public health public service

Out in plain site

Listen to Tedra Cobb states she will ban weapons. It begins at the 2:03 mark. Why can't she say it, because this district IS A HUGE GUN RIGHTS AREA, hunting, etc. The liberal college students and dems will LIE TO YOU ABOUT WHAT THEY SUPPORT. Attend her meetings and call her out on this statement!!!!!!!!

daily beast has a problem

Maybe this would work on the redacted documents given to congress....

FLASHBACK: Obama threw a reporter out for asking a question he wasn't happy with and the FAKE media cheered him on rather than foam at the mouth attacking him every nano second over a 24hr news cycle.

@CNN @ABC @NBC @MSNBC @BretBaier


This is a long read bu t OMG no wonder they got away with murder and all other things...

Now we sit back and watch Eric Church's music career CRASH AND BURN just like the DIXIE CHICKS did. They just never learn. #WhenClosetDemsOpenTheirMouths

seen at Yankee stadium today

Big supporter of MAGA who has an informant in FBI , has a big following. He was just on with Roseanne Barr on her UTube show

Recently he said Q's tone had changed and he did not think he was no longer the real Q. He is back on the Q train!

welcome sawyerbrittain you will love it here

And the socialist Utopia run by NYC and the dems just keep growing in NYS, soon to be the east cost commifornia. NYS says it's friendly to businesses, NOT SO MUCH !

Debutane ball


Not sure if open to public or just the base but will try to attend if I can.

This was the president's car Sunday night at Fort Drum , Notice License plate "Taxation Without Representation"

He showed up again after missing for a while....hmmmmm

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