Message from @**Åli̊čeȰn✨Q̣̇✨**
Discord ID: 516568425406005288
OMFG, you really can't even make this shit up...
Q drop #2501 Could the 7 dots in the drop be Treason which is what was committed in and against the US
Check out @theboltreport’s Tweet:
EO# 13526??? 1+3+5+2+6=17 < That's [Q]urious
Looks staged. Look closely.
Check out @AP’s Tweet:
Info on China and pharmaceutical drugs . . . . .
TRUMP/"Hey Media" We have a Border. WE don't want anymore DemonRats!GO HOME More Q Proof that No Name McCain didn't check out on his own like we were told... [187] is serious business!
I’ve heard rumors that Mexico relinquished their own Constitution to the United Nations & are now under UN sanctions. UN has told Mexico to stand down at the border. We all know once you ask UN for funding like the Federal government you’re now indebted to them.
Here comes the faux news sob stories pull at the heartstrings with lies....
Disgusting way the use the children & even worse for the mom to leave her child like that for filming purposes. We do NOT want ppl here whom treat their own children in this manner as pawns. Think what else they are capable of to do to strangers. This is beyond disgust!