Message from @kingskid1776
Discord ID: 458390860405669900
yeah... midget on deck
who is next?
What's up wang-doodles???
midget keeps the q posts section somewhat sane on the forums lol
Graham can sure play the game.
Ok, I can see the messages now, but can't post. And I don't want to talk on air, just want to add my ramblings
Cruz missile was good today
Trying so very hard not to feel discouraged today after watching the press conference and the complete inability for the press to be impartial. How do we fight this MSM juggernaut?
@kingskid1776 Good to see you here
Hey Sec! I have a buddy woo hoo!👍🏼
@kingskid1776 You sure do brother
@kingskid1776 Nice to read you on tv lol
Good afternoon PATRIOTS
Hi William and Alz (lol cute name)
@kingskid1776 hello
These Tesla cars are essentially incindiary bombs waiting to blow
Who is Amanda Renteria?
Meanwhile in the rest of the world (shitholes at large):
The cabal is up to no good.
Check this out.
Hungarian journalist István Lovas died on 11 juni 2018 after publishing his observations on the Bilderberg meeting to be held shortly.
News of his death reached us from columnist Zsolt Bayer's blog:
Lovas was a wellknown figure on the right in the mediascape and wrote for conservative internetportal Magyar Idők (=Hungarian Times) and was host for the debate show Sajtóklub (=Pressclub) on Echo TV.
His mediamonitor on Magyar Idők broke the taboo that Bilderbergs weren't discussed in MSM. His publication on the 6th of June was about the Bilderberg gathering of Turin the scheduled on the 7th.
His conclusion after studying guestlists and programs was that Hungary was meant to face a regime change.
On the 8th of June he published his understanding that the main goal for the gathering was to create consensus on the nearing (and wished for) confrontation with Russia.
On June 9th his email got hacked and used to spam his political adversaries. He died in the night of 10-11 June.
@William_merrow Yes indeed. They are missiles parked in our streets.
Rambling man is Rambling......
Who is that guy in the picture?
@Qalico (CAN) If he was killed he might have been right and we can expect a war against Hungary?
IG Horowitz said no political bias could be proven but hinted it could still exist. Regardless, he didn't say that there wasn't any political **interference**. Tarmac meeting etc.
I haven't tested my mic on this computer ever...I need to test.
@Alz-Heimer Did you forget to test it?
I've just never used the mic.
@Alz-Heimer It was a pun
No...just internal laptop mic
@qsmxpilot Hi, what is the NLA Workroom regarding?
Speaking of burning one. BE was on Weed Country