Discord ID: 226525090831925248
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Anyone ever see the funny youtube video of AJ? My son showed it to me.
This isn't connected somehow to LV shooter is it?
OBama had 8 years to close it. LOL
I don't know where to put this, but I thought it was funny
Does anyone have a law that can be sited about separating children/immigrants? My whole newsfeed on fb is filled with people blaming Trump for this mess, when I know it isn't, it's been going of for years. I just need some solid facts to share with people that need red pilling.
Freedom rings text channel says I don't have permission to post there
Ok, I can see the messages now, but can't post. And I don't want to talk on air, just want to add my ramblings
1996 iraira act on immigration, I think I found what I was looking for
So sorry for your loss.
Wasn't there a kindergarten in China that was dealing in child sex trafficking? Would it be Prince William going there for pedo shit?
I'll look
Can't find the article linking child sex trafficking with a Chinese school, just going by memory, sorry
Clintons flying commercial with nor security????
Didn't OBama make an order saying past presidents will still have secret service????
Unless Trump rescinds that order.
Reminds me of Killary and Warren dressed in blue together, is that a code to the DS?
Live stream gone???
Look out, she's wearing a red scarf!
Anyone else think that all these food poisonings are on purpose?
OBama and Biden in DC meandering around and getting lunch?
Just heard that there was active shooter exercise going on right when the active shooter started in AF base hospital
My son just told me about this: An Exploiter is currently going through discord servers to register everyoneโs ID, basically making the servers list public to ANYONE. There are over 30,000+ servers currently indexed.
If youโd like to prevent your server from being scrapped before itโs to late, the exploiter is using the selfbot account with the ID 475013414566232094 .
Protect your privacy and server list by making sure the servers you own have this account banned.
The bot created invites to servers it scrapes, its recommended to delete the invite list if you find EpicGamer#9983 on your join logs. It seems the bot is finding servers on and looking for invite links through there to crawl as mane servers as possible.
honda (@h0nda1337)
The new version of my discord server lookup tool is available now! Just type in an user id and lookup their servers in our database of almost 30k servers:
I've heard that Hillary has been arrested. Anyone have sauce on that?
What Kathy Griffin looks like to me
Chemtrailing the crap out of the sky here today!
Federal officials say officers discovered a suspected drug tunnel at the site of a former Kentucky Fried Chicken in Arizona, near the Mexican border.
The tunnel was 22 feet deep, authorities say, and extended about 600 feet into Mexico.
Anyone here play TF2?
That is a fake Killary, where are her kankles?
vincent fusqa page
My kids watch youtubers and shared this one with me. I was shocked to hear Mcaullay Culkin say he was the pizza. Give it a watch. Trying to get people conditioned for what's coming
CAN SOMEONE PLEASE give me links about Seth Rich, JA, how it was downloaded to a thumb drive, etc. Arguing with a friend on fb lol
not my fb page, but came across this interesting post:
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