Message from @(External_Implosions)
Discord ID: 305516953135742978
we're all adults, come on now
If you'd have been active in the past, you'd know that we had an anti-pornography policy for quite a while now.
We're merely securing the place up and making everything more managable for the numbers we're at now.
As we're closing in to one-thousand member mark already.
that makes sense, no i just joined a few days ago, followed a link from /pol/ and automatically assumed thats what went on in here. but it makes more sense if your trying to manage 1000 people
disregard literally all of that then
i am the owner of outer heaven
ayeExAye is one of my voice mods
he invited me
@Tinker Tom sup kid
when u coming back
So I can get banned by sayimg that I'm gay?
I'm gay.
@Amelorate#9509 @Amelorate#9509 NO TOLERANCE POLICY. THE FAG HAS BEEN KICKED.
the climate is getting colder
in Canada we had snow in March
@Captain Kirk JT we can fast track your vetting. We need to share intel.
I run the TRSIA and would live to be vetted and engage in Intel sharing
can a nigga get vetted?
Wait until tomarrow
mfw hunting antifa music
How do I get vetted
you don't
mods are fucking homo faggots
to get vetted wait until tomorrow
vet us now faggot
we are temporarily halting vetting fortoday
I'll halt my foot in your ass
what is this
the halt right