Message from @Taylor
Discord ID: 305535874190540810
@Amelorate#9509 @Amelorate#9509 NO TOLERANCE POLICY. THE FAG HAS BEEN KICKED.
the climate is getting colder
not hotter
in Canada we had snow in March
@Captain Kirk JT we can fast track your vetting. We need to share intel.
I run the TRSIA and would live to be vetted and engage in Intel sharing
can a nigga get vetted?
Wait until tomarrow
mfw hunting antifa music
How do I get vetted
you don't
mods are fucking homo faggots
to get vetted wait until tomorrow
vet us now faggot
we are temporarily halting vetting fortoday
what is this
the halt right
ill halt your ass in my dick
Mr "Taylor"
I got banned from my other discord channel and now I need a place to show the new club I joined
well wait till tomorrow nigger
fine, I'll show the non-vets
this is literally the first time we have ever postponed vetting for a day. chill out you sperg
Oh. Well. I guess I will wait then. Only a few more hours.
Hello; I was given an invite from the Official Email after some corespondence. Do you know who I was speaking with, so I might see about speaking further with them ?
@IntelValor you were speaking to @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
hes asleep now
whats up
you may want to PM me
Ahh yes, I did attempt to prior to sending a public broadcast. Unfortunatley direct messaging is disabled on this server without friendship
So I sent you a friend request to get around that.
I havent gotten it yet
i sent one to you