Message from @t r u e

Discord ID: 520316460346900480

2018-12-06 18:21:17 UTC  

(random clarification of sickle cell trait not attacking or anything)

2018-12-06 18:21:29 UTC  

anyway, my own argument was that the neo-darwinism theory might be lacking as it wasnt possible to determine every factor to the DNA modification, even that oxford professor mentions it, but his point was to call on the "old" not-updated part of the theory that with current scientific facts might not always make perfect sense.
This is my subjective opinion on it, I think that it was his point.

2018-12-06 18:21:43 UTC  

ah yeah sicle anemia is real

2018-12-06 18:22:14 UTC  

```Additionally this wasnt developed in a response to malaria rather due to random enviormental factors and small population size and large families, the trait passed on. Anyone can get the trait anywhere. Most mutations occur randomly.```
it most likely developed due to some people living in small populations isolated from malaria regions maybe?

2018-12-06 18:22:14 UTC  

Read the papers man. @Bogatyr Bogumir They are honest.

2018-12-06 18:22:38 UTC  

That will tell you how Evolutionists stalled progress of Science

2018-12-06 18:22:49 UTC  

For 4-6 decades

2018-12-06 18:23:08 UTC  

@Mr. Wonderful When did I say that, lol

2018-12-06 18:23:36 UTC  

Wow, you assert that and want me to scroll up

2018-12-06 18:23:39 UTC  


2018-12-06 18:23:53 UTC  

What next, I accuse you of rape, and you prove you didn't do it

2018-12-06 18:24:06 UTC  

@|4d|61|74|74| Of course most likely, small population, large families and tons of second cousin marriages even without such pressure can cause a trait to go essentially viral through the community. However malaria made it more prominent, another enviormental factor to expain the prevelance of a trait. (and more powerful than others)

2018-12-06 18:24:13 UTC  

I think that you would lose if we called you a dumbass draco

2018-12-06 18:24:13 UTC  


2018-12-06 19:09:03 UTC  

@Draco#0592 I see that debate got pretty lively but I'll respond to your comment before reading the rest. How does horizontal gene transfer disprove evolution? Again, I don't claim to be very knowledgeable in this matter, but I think I've seen it argued that such a HGT was found in humans and a primates, which is supposed to have come from such a situation but then passed down through reproduction. I might be wrong, it has been years since I watched that video. Sorry if it's a foolish question, I haven't been interested in evolution for years. Also, I understand that you think some evolutionary scientists might be wrong, but how do you know you are accurately applying the label of "liar"? That's quite a different thing.

2018-12-06 19:09:54 UTC  

@Draco#0592 You didn't rape anyone , as you were raped by your own imagination. That is why you will forever remain a bastardized version of your former self.

2018-12-06 19:09:59 UTC  

@Bogatyr Bogumir It's my understanding that there are some vestigial structures in humans. Have you read about those common claims and disagree?

2018-12-06 19:10:30 UTC  

Oh, what happened to Draco?

2018-12-06 19:10:50 UTC  

Natural Selection happened. @t r u e

2018-12-06 19:11:06 UTC  

lol, I guess so

2018-12-06 19:11:51 UTC  

I don't understand people getting so emotional over these things. I guess it's ego.

2018-12-06 19:13:05 UTC  

It is ego, indoctrination and nepotism.

2018-12-06 21:39:02 UTC  

@t r u e generally vestigial structures in humans are needed and necessary without which we see decreased function.

Hair on humans from my knowledge works more as whiskers and an indicator for us directly to sense when it suddenly gets cold or to be able to physiologically experience goosebumps and fear that way. It makes our skin essentially hyper sensitive to stimuli since all the nourons are taught and much closer to depolarization for a few min after activation.

tail bone is not so much a remnant of a tail, as much as it is necessary for the pelvis to simply not fall apart, and certain muscles of the pelvis without which walking would be fairly difficult. As well as making the pelvic diaphragm a thing. No tail bone might mean that during burth a woman would blow her guts out her pelvis.

ear muscles are interesting, however they secure the cartilage in place, and seem to function to improve our hearing. If you lift the ear up and backwards you hear better etc. etc. The appendix has remained for some reason, otherwise people would be missing it en masse as its useless. However there are many theories as to the fact that its a massive lymphoid organ that it must have something to do, probably with stronger poisons, or parasites or bacteria that might form in the colon otherwise.

the spleen is important. Very important however it is non vital. Generally in medicine surgically we look at organs as vital or non vital, none are really vestigial. As all have some function, however some are more important and impact us more than others.

2018-12-06 21:39:18 UTC  

and which commons claims? the horizontal genetic transfer?

2018-12-06 21:39:41 UTC  

generally im just not knowledgable enough to actually provide a proper position, id really need to read up on evolution and evidence surrounding it

2018-12-06 21:59:12 UTC  

now that's good

2018-12-06 21:59:18 UTC  

but when?

2018-12-06 22:03:26 UTC  

@everyone Daily Question 🔖

Is Authoritarianism or Libertarianism better for a nation and it’s people?

2018-12-06 22:03:37 UTC  
2018-12-06 22:03:40 UTC  


2018-12-06 22:03:43 UTC  


2018-12-06 22:03:43 UTC  


2018-12-06 22:03:45 UTC  


2018-12-06 22:03:48 UTC  


2018-12-06 22:03:48 UTC  


2018-12-06 22:03:51 UTC  


2018-12-06 22:03:54 UTC  

Lolbertarians can die.

2018-12-06 22:03:54 UTC  


2018-12-06 22:03:56 UTC  


2018-12-06 22:03:58 UTC  
