Migueleby ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ช

Discord ID: 223127422411866113

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@Deleted User are you venezuelan

suharto was epic and based change my mind

indonesian president who boosted the economy under a free market and executed thousands of communists

dictatorships aren't inherently bad.

Happy Holidays.

Republicans and democrats are really the same

"Everything that I don't like is socialism"

The American right is doomed

The MoP is highly nationalized and there's some private property. Private corporations produce for profit under a ridiculous set of regulations.

Social democracy.

Still capitalist.



No, only by the workers.

Not the State.

Socialism is not State owning stuff.

Right, North Korea and Cuba are socialist.

Because the workers own the MoP.

Socialism completely ditches capitalism. Venezuela is a failed social democracy, not socialism.

Anyways, I gtg.

@CrowGoCaw you are not right wing



Lolbertarians can die.

@Enigmaticโ˜…Chromatic wtf are you doing here

not really, I was in this server with my old acc

had been for a long time

@Enigmaticโ˜…Chromatic the question is, what are you, a communist, doing here?

>haha i'm going to stir the pot in a right wing server instead of joining servers where i can debate multiple ideologies

okay communist

i just noticed you are a redskin enigmatic

this explains a lot

Every country should invest in artificial intelligence, that's my take.

@Pinochet fascism can't be socialistic.

It rejects it.


Socialism is when the MoP is owned collectively by the workers.

Fascist Italy was economically statist, but there never was collective ownership of the MoP.

The Third Reich's economy was based on privatization en masse, these corporations were under State supervision, but never nationalized nor collectively owned. Hitler even crushed all worker unions. @Pinochet

@Pinochet Fascism turned Germany into the second world economy by GDP and ended unemployement.

Fascism also rebuilt Italy, and worked quite well till the Great Depression.

Give me evidence that there was poverty in Fascist Italy before the Great Depression and poverty at all in the Third Reich.

Fearful citizens? Yeah sure, not like all footage shows how Hitler was loved by the Germans.

Millions of deaths? The Allies alone of that time had killed much more people than the Axis combined. Example: the USSR, the Bengal famine under Churchil, American interventions, etc.... @Pinochet


If the jews had been regular Germans, they would have lived like kings by pre-Hitler Germany standards.


Literally this

Uncountable jews died in Cocentration Camps when the Allies cut off food supplies and blocked Germany.

History > Your assumptions. @Pinochet

Yeah, most died because of disease and lack of food, thanks to the Allies. @Pinochet

@Similar Scowl do you believe that the Germans killed anything that had a Jewish mark on it?

@Similar Scowl Yes, clearly jews died in concentration camps under German orders (not Hitler's, but Himmler's), however, a lot of deaths were caused by the Allies.

@Pinochet show me a speech or book in which Hitler says he wanted to kill jews.

Hitler's intentions were to create a State for the Jewish people to live in (literally what the British Empire did some time after the war). However, when the war arrived and under SS officials' orders, a number of jews were killed. Not because of Hitler, though.

And again, many jews died thanks to the Allies.

Yes, no one ever denied that. @Similar Scowl

Also, I love how you all are defending the Allies when they killed much more people than the Axis ever did.


I mean, I've never supported Hitler's racial laws, but saying that he had no reason to hate the Jews is historical igorance.

@Similar Scowl you are literally arguing against every reason why Hitler hated the jews

Read the convo

Regarding the question of the day, I believe that controlling inflation is more important than controlling unemployement. Mainly because when there's a huge inflation rate and the currency is being devaluated, employees are going to earn basically nothing compared to what they need to meet their needs. So it's pointless to have full employement under great inflation rates.

@ฮตรฏะท irma ฮตรฏะท i've actually done face reveals in other servers, pretty sure you wouldn't say that i'm a "skinny noodle"

also the only two times when I had done deadlifts was when I started ans that's what I could lift, I never tried it again till last week, but I managed to progressively reach 300 pounds

like i could care less if you don't believe me

make me a sandwich or smthng

>3 months without doing deadlifts
>when tried again, manages to lift heavier weights
wow imagine my shock

at the start, you're not supposed to lift anything. A trained person should be supposed to lift double their weight. That's literally normal and what I did

I said 3 months ago

Learn to read

Why are discord women so stupid holy shit

>changes topic because she got debunked

@ฮตรฏะท irma ฮตรฏะท wow nice argument. You should probably try to do some research on weightlifting before making any comments

irma you shouldn't give your opinion about topics you know nothing of

like, this is basic

irma IRL


no need to make more comments, I already proved you wrong

you are just resorting to lazy insults and nice grammar to look smart

ironically, the result is the opposite

you mostly used bad grammar in your server when you weren't arguing

do you realize that it would be extremely easy to take your server down right @ฮตรฏะท irma ฮตรฏะท

@ฮตรฏะท irma ฮตรฏะท >tfw you fail to understand weightlifting theory so you resort to lazy responses so you don't look stupid

imagine trying this hard to piss someone off in the Internet

how sad must one's life be

@Deleted User did reed kill himself already

if I had a retarded sister, I'd probably help her instead of making fun of her in the Internet

irma is such an ugly name

if I knew someone IRL whose name was irma

i'd probably make fun of them

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