Message from @PebbЛe

Discord ID: 511031799640752168

2018-11-11 04:00:55 UTC  

it is not talking about the social nature of a family or sexuality

2018-11-11 04:01:07 UTC  

it is talking about the nuclear family as the economic unit of society

2018-11-11 04:01:38 UTC  

the smallest unit of access to production, consumption and exchange

2018-11-11 04:03:00 UTC  

Socially, monogamy would most likely still be the norm, otherwise, there would be significant social instability in the society.

2018-11-11 04:04:43 UTC  

we cannot forget when Ulrichs tried to shill his homosexual rights material to Engels and Marx and they laughed at him

2018-11-11 04:05:02 UTC  

That actually happened?

2018-11-11 04:05:13 UTC  


2018-11-11 04:06:08 UTC  

`When the pioneering German homosexual liberationist Karl Ulrichs sent Marx one of his books on the subject, which Marx forwarded to his collaborator, Engels described Ulrichs’s platform of homosexual emancipation from criminal laws as “turning smut into history.” Marx, in commenting on Karl Boruttau’s Gedanken über Gewissens Freiheit (Thoughts on Freedom of Conscience), disparaged the author as “this faggoty prick” (Schwanzschwulen). The homophobia of Marx and Engels has been meticulously documented by Hubert Kennedy of San Francisco State University, Ulrichs’s US biographer, in his essay “Johann Baptist von Schweitzer: The Queer Marx Loved to Hate,” which is included in the anthology Gay Men and the Sexual History of the Political Left, edited by Gert Hekma, Harry Oosterhuis, and James Steakley (Haworth Press) and is also available online.`

2018-11-11 04:07:54 UTC  

Failed back then, however it seems that the “proletariat’s” (social club for degenerates) struggle has turned in that direction

2018-11-11 04:08:52 UTC  

Your notions aside, there is a sharp divide in the socialist community on social issues

2018-11-11 04:09:29 UTC  

I actually didn't know about Ulrichs. I mostly know about Marx and his impact on sociology, as well as Marxist/Conflict theory as opposed to Funtionalist theory.

2018-11-11 04:09:41 UTC  

the communist presence in the US has long held that homosexuality was bourgeois capitalist decadence and the FBI has planted agents acting as transexual idealogues and the like in later decades

2018-11-11 04:10:12 UTC  

@Shalopy trust me you dont want to know about ulrichs

2018-11-11 04:10:58 UTC  

shameless faggot that somehow didnt get hanged along the way

2018-11-11 04:12:12 UTC  

That's very interesting.

2018-11-11 04:14:54 UTC  

That definitely makes sense, and it also makes sense that Communists would align themselves with all groups who have been marginalized.

2018-11-11 04:16:07 UTC  

for sure they have

2018-11-11 04:16:34 UTC  

but there is a clear difference between intersectional garbage and self-determination of peoples

2018-11-11 04:16:43 UTC  

Are there any brands of Communism that allows for theism? Generally Communism is Atheistic, I believe Marx once said that religion was the opiate of the masses.

2018-11-11 04:17:40 UTC  

That statement by Marx wasn't so much an atheistic comment but as a comparative device as something the working class holds onto as a sponge for hope

2018-11-11 04:17:55 UTC  

but marxism is usually atheistic and definitely is from Lenin on

2018-11-11 04:18:07 UTC  

if we combine his philosophy in whole from the Theses of Feuerbach on

2018-11-11 04:19:31 UTC  

But if you look at Marx via the epistemological break as noted by Althusser, which i believe in, one can depart from his philosophy and his worldy epistemic works and his material analyses of material functions and critique of the political economy

2018-11-11 04:19:48 UTC  

it's materialist in so far as there is material to study and apply to material and can easily be meshed with theism

2018-11-11 04:27:04 UTC  

Couldn't Marxism/Communism be similar to a sort of theism due a higher goal/vision of the proletarian and the emotional connection through that?

2018-11-11 04:31:20 UTC  

i get what youre trying to say

2018-11-11 04:31:44 UTC  

but i think it's more of the seemingly mystical awe that eschatology and marxist palingenesis both inspire

2018-11-11 04:34:49 UTC  

Religious morality generally is about sacrificing the individual to God, an entity that one cannot see or touch, but is expected to sacrifice, do their commandments and follow God's wishes. Similarly, I think it could be argued that the Proletarian could be in a way an entity-type figure with similar responsibilities of the individual.

2018-11-11 04:35:49 UTC  

That's kind of what I was trying to say but fleshed out more

2018-11-11 04:36:47 UTC  

Wow, worship of man. Reminds me of Nietzsche’s übermensch concept.

2018-11-11 04:37:00 UTC  

That’s very interesting @Shalopy

2018-11-11 04:37:13 UTC  

Never thought of genuine proletarians that way

2018-11-11 04:37:25 UTC  

I’d quite like that.

2018-11-11 04:37:34 UTC  

this is not a precedent

2018-11-11 04:38:12 UTC  

Huh, never heard of that before.

2018-11-11 04:38:51 UTC  

*The Soviet man was to be selfless, learned, healthy, muscular, and enthusiastic in spreading the socialist Revolution. Adherence to Marxism-Leninism, and individual behavior consistent with that philosophy's prescriptions, were among the crucial traits expected of the New Soviet man, which required intellectualism and hard discipline. He was not driven by crude impulses of nature but by conscious self-mastery, a belief that required the rejection of both innate personality and the unconscious, which Soviet psychologists therefore rejected.*

*The New Soviet Woman was a Superwoman who balanced competing responsibilities and took on the burden of multiple roles: Communist citizen, full-time worker, wife and mother.*

2018-11-11 04:54:47 UTC  

Interesting. A rejection of the unconscious. I don't think we're technologically advanced enough to implement Communism. I will have to talk about Ulrichs to my Marxist Sociology professor though, he seems to be one of the inter-sectional kind.

2018-11-11 04:59:24 UTC  

@Shalopy lucky for you there is a dedicated Marxist economist and computer scientist named Paul Cockshott who has large amounts of work done on its practicality today and the effectiveness that is available with current computing as far as planning and developments go

2018-11-11 05:01:06 UTC  

I'll definitely look into that. I also found a quote from Marx on Religion that's interesting: In the "Wages of Labour" (1844), Marx wrote, "To develop in greater spiritual freedom, a people must break their bondage to their bodily needs – they must cease to be the slaves of the body. They must, above all, have time at their disposal for spiritual creative activity and spiritual enjoyment."

2018-11-11 05:03:07 UTC  

@PebbЛe What are your thoughts to the preceding quote from Marx?