Message from @PebbЛe

Discord ID: 511027703181475860

2018-11-11 03:50:38 UTC  

Marx was a fucking tranny

2018-11-11 03:50:38 UTC  

thats not true

2018-11-11 03:50:46 UTC  

Read his Manifesto

2018-11-11 03:50:51 UTC  

i did

2018-11-11 03:51:10 UTC  

It said to deal away with societal differences between men and women

2018-11-11 03:51:14 UTC  

That both are equal

2018-11-11 03:51:48 UTC  

i think i know what line you are talking about

2018-11-11 03:52:13 UTC  

it relates to modern industry and its blanket identifying of the working class as an instrument

2018-11-11 03:52:27 UTC

2018-11-11 03:53:21 UTC  

I'd consider myself in favor of a fairly regulated Capitalism in order to include the vast majority of people and get them contributing to the society/innovation(as well as so they can benefit from it), which would mean some sort of affecting the rich, and giving to the poor(although I'm not sure with what yet), as it would all lead to social stability. Social progress would go from there, slowly, as to not cause volatility, and the degree that the economy is regulated would be debated as to fit with the current economic situation-fairly fluid but not going from Command to Laissez Faire kind of fluid. There would probably be as well an upper limit and lower limit to how much someone could make, and the wealth taken from past the upper limit would probably help sustain the people at the lower limit given they work hard.

2018-11-11 03:54:30 UTC  

So was Marx a supporter of the nuclear family?

2018-11-11 03:55:43 UTC  

@Doctor Anon Engels is the one who posited works of the nature of the family

2018-11-11 03:55:57 UTC  

and no he disagreed with the nuclear family as the basic economic unit of society

2018-11-11 03:56:05 UTC  


2018-11-11 03:56:19 UTC  

Fucking commies hating the nuclear family

2018-11-11 03:56:42 UTC  

before you conflate, there is context to it

2018-11-11 04:00:04 UTC  

it is a largely comparative piece of man and wife to bourgeois and proletarian in an attempt to recognize the nature of societal liberation includes the liberation of the female sex: `...Then it will be plain that the first condition for the liberation of the wife is to bring the whole female sex back into public industry, and that this in turn demands the abolition of the monogamous family as the economic unit of society.`

2018-11-11 04:00:34 UTC  

What would be the alternative to monogamy?

2018-11-11 04:00:55 UTC  

it is not talking about the social nature of a family or sexuality

2018-11-11 04:01:07 UTC  

it is talking about the nuclear family as the economic unit of society

2018-11-11 04:01:38 UTC  

the smallest unit of access to production, consumption and exchange

2018-11-11 04:03:00 UTC  

Socially, monogamy would most likely still be the norm, otherwise, there would be significant social instability in the society.

2018-11-11 04:04:43 UTC  

we cannot forget when Ulrichs tried to shill his homosexual rights material to Engels and Marx and they laughed at him

2018-11-11 04:05:02 UTC  

That actually happened?

2018-11-11 04:05:13 UTC  


2018-11-11 04:06:08 UTC  

`When the pioneering German homosexual liberationist Karl Ulrichs sent Marx one of his books on the subject, which Marx forwarded to his collaborator, Engels described Ulrichs’s platform of homosexual emancipation from criminal laws as “turning smut into history.” Marx, in commenting on Karl Boruttau’s Gedanken über Gewissens Freiheit (Thoughts on Freedom of Conscience), disparaged the author as “this faggoty prick” (Schwanzschwulen). The homophobia of Marx and Engels has been meticulously documented by Hubert Kennedy of San Francisco State University, Ulrichs’s US biographer, in his essay “Johann Baptist von Schweitzer: The Queer Marx Loved to Hate,” which is included in the anthology Gay Men and the Sexual History of the Political Left, edited by Gert Hekma, Harry Oosterhuis, and James Steakley (Haworth Press) and is also available online.`

2018-11-11 04:07:54 UTC  

Failed back then, however it seems that the “proletariat’s” (social club for degenerates) struggle has turned in that direction

2018-11-11 04:08:52 UTC  

Your notions aside, there is a sharp divide in the socialist community on social issues

2018-11-11 04:09:29 UTC  

I actually didn't know about Ulrichs. I mostly know about Marx and his impact on sociology, as well as Marxist/Conflict theory as opposed to Funtionalist theory.

2018-11-11 04:09:41 UTC  

the communist presence in the US has long held that homosexuality was bourgeois capitalist decadence and the FBI has planted agents acting as transexual idealogues and the like in later decades

2018-11-11 04:10:12 UTC  

@Shalopy trust me you dont want to know about ulrichs

2018-11-11 04:10:58 UTC  

shameless faggot that somehow didnt get hanged along the way

2018-11-11 04:12:12 UTC  

That's very interesting.

2018-11-11 04:14:54 UTC  

That definitely makes sense, and it also makes sense that Communists would align themselves with all groups who have been marginalized.

2018-11-11 04:16:07 UTC  

for sure they have

2018-11-11 04:16:34 UTC  

but there is a clear difference between intersectional garbage and self-determination of peoples

2018-11-11 04:16:43 UTC  

Are there any brands of Communism that allows for theism? Generally Communism is Atheistic, I believe Marx once said that religion was the opiate of the masses.

2018-11-11 04:17:40 UTC  

That statement by Marx wasn't so much an atheistic comment but as a comparative device as something the working class holds onto as a sponge for hope

2018-11-11 04:17:55 UTC  

but marxism is usually atheistic and definitely is from Lenin on

2018-11-11 04:18:07 UTC  

if we combine his philosophy in whole from the Theses of Feuerbach on

2018-11-11 04:19:31 UTC  

But if you look at Marx via the epistemological break as noted by Althusser, which i believe in, one can depart from his philosophy and his worldy epistemic works and his material analyses of material functions and critique of the political economy