Message from @sɪᴅɪsɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇ
Discord ID: 520289759273287680
The capitalist system is the mode of production wherein the social relations of production allow for a bourgeois class to exploit workers for profit through m-c-m commodity form against the downward rate of profit
yeah no
Thats just semantics
It's the entirety of analysis
Capitalism is just the free market free from state intervention
I meant mostly that even if there was no govorment, so anarcho capitalism the end game is a superme corporation that takes over eventually, or a force that establishes itself as the govorment and then dictates the market
listen, I'll put it in bite size form to accomodate your attention span:
Capitalism requires enforcable contracts to function, and the state is the only body that can effectively or efficiently enforce them
Capitalism also often requires trade controls to favor domestic producers and consumers, which only the state can effectively enforce
The "Free Market" as we know it requires significant maintenance by the state
the rules of the market
"Capitalism requires enforcable contracts to function, and the state is the only body that can effectively or efficiently enforce them"
no it does not
the free market
allocates the resources
Capitalism also often requires trade controls to favor domestic producers and consumers, which only the state can effectively enforce
thats not capitalism^^^
thats protectionism which is a form of socialism
and not capitalism
not if I get him first @el pebble
He has to be like 15 @IV LI V S
No you said 15
15 is as accurate as your definition of capitalism
listen kid, take a fucking intro level econ course
I take economics for school
you'll enjoy it
but I know alot more
Hence why I'm schooling you on it rn
what the fuck school system produced you
In a free market both sides agree to the given contract at a moment however someone must enforce the contract, one side otherwise has the upper hand to fuck ove rthe other side. Ergo it does in fact need a greater force that can create legal groundwork for the concept itself to exist. Otherwise the contract can be changed for whatever reason and if ther eis no govorment a once fair contract can turn into slavery overnight
I'm currently in high school
this is why public school is a joke here
fuck me
correct private schools are better