Message from @fzeroppy
Discord ID: 604832358113476648
Can you imagine having a hinduist president lol
British politicians royally fucked the british people.
Maybe new hampshire should stay that nice 94%
even though new hampshires like really liberal.
What??? New Hampshire is red, they have the loosest gun laws in the union
and they recently told the Feds to fuck off for trying to impose more gun laws
You can be a democrat and still want loose gun laws.
I know a democrat from michigan who likes guns.
I agree with that, but they went pretty red this election season
They went hillary in 2016
both of their senators are democrats too.
So are their house of reps.
Their only republican official is the governor.
Chris Sununu is a republican
I already said that.
Chris sununu is their governor.
they are also getting alot of influx from NYC
because they used to have a republican senator but recently went extremely blue in a used to be heavily red area.
they trynna be cray
Mass shooting occurred in California @here
Ooooo shit
i liked 20 min away
dude from jackass posted this
think his account was hacked?
Yeah his and Jessica albas accounts were hacked
i was listening to jre with steve-o before bed thenwake up to this
Oy veyyyyyy
The Last 4 US Presidents Admit Fake News & CIA Project Mockingbird
The Occult Of 4th Of July And The Satanic Hell's Bell Exposed
Hey :p