Message from @svpreme
Discord ID: 452728042511663105
i'll vote you southwest senator
Gaelican is good boi
I am
co🅱enhagen di🅱
@Atelik >Four Loko
I'm meme'ing the shit outta this event
"maintain the status quo"
the fuck did you even do?
they are just being mean now
I just defended my views
my one view that apparently contradicts all marxism
that's what I'm saying, man. the Marxists have a complete aversion to anything race-related.
Some do
they don't accept facts when it's right there in front of their faces.
perhaps. but most don't.
Ya didn't self-crit
fuckin reactionary
I asked for a reason
Marxism is just egalitarian by nature.
they gave me no reason
revisionist fuck smh my head 😤😤😤
yeah, they're illogical as fuck.
it's cultish as fuck ye
they'll just tell you over and over to "self-crit" or "look at the facts you racist"
or call you a traitor.