Message from @Based (((Zoomer)))
Discord ID: 478225910382723083
Brb hijacking plane
Mike pence and Karen pence
>ever stopping
>ever starting
its a literal nobody is who it is
Nick needs to start penetrating thots epic style
After marriage
And for the sole purpose of procreation
@Shid Vic she's a thot
Is it actually a she?
Nick has a lot of trad thot orbiter followers
@Shid Vic too much /b/
Seems like some pagan larper with a woman pfp
It is
"QueenOfBantz" is a dude.
Anyone going to UTR2
Long story short, "she" tried to claim "she" had a spec ops husband that could beat the trolls up, someone on Twitter found rhe ACTUAL guy who had the accomplishments "she" talked about, turns out the "husband" was MEXICAN, and she started falling apart
@Based (((Zoomer))) no cuz I'm not gay
Imagine saying the jooz will not replace us
Thinking that for some reason white Americans in general feel like you speak for them
Anyone who goes to rallies has aids and is retarded/gay
The Battles of Berkeley were objectively the best rightwing rallies
Yeah they sure accomplished a lot lol
They provided better optics to normies than Charlottesville. That’s not debatable whatsoever.
Ok kid
normies dont care about gay rallies
Literally every normie hates right wing rallies
normies care about the latest episode of the bachelor and the sports scores
Stop doing them
Reminder rallies and protests are a leftist tool not a right wing tool
thats not true either
they are just gay
occupy was the deathknell of protests, no one cares about them anymore, they are just viewed as annoying by most
@Deleted User Thanks bro. I arrived a bit early and ended up just sitting next to an old guy by himself and told him it's my first time and asked if he wouldn't mind helping out. He was awesome about it, explained things and showed me where to follow along the whole time then gave me a tour of the church and introduced me to a young priest who'll be teaching RCIA in September.