Message from @Vox
Discord ID: 442806979585507358
I thought you meant on the GOP side
Nuf said
oh he's the leading Republican
By far I think too
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 Might have the real polls
Who is that?
Patrick Little
They're coming for all of us Boys
Let's make it red one more time Button
That's all I ask
Retarded liberal: “The AP is unbiased you dumb conservative bigot”
They are going to say everything that is liberal as unbiased tho.
@zakattack04 As long as I get a wall
I'm almost an eagle scout and I can't believe this garbage
Hi almost an eagle scout and I can't believe this garbage, I'm Dad!
I am an eagle scout. I know man it sucks, that's not the worst of it.
@Winston Ayy look at that
Two and one soon to be eagles
To bad it's going to be meaningless in a few years
Yes, indeed.
@Winston he praised Hitler?
that video of PAT2018 was taken down
so pat isn't in the race anymore?
the kikes kicked him from the part
>this is why we can't have real change
He is
What are you talking about
He got kicked out of the GOP convention.
But he's still in the race.