Message from @zakattack04
Discord ID: 442463093491236875
He ruined my state too man
Our last good president was Eisenhower.
Nixon was pretty good, too.
yeah Nixon was pretty good.
whatta chad
Oh yeah I saw that earlier today xP
He's in 2nd place right now.
I just hope this won't scare the boomers away.
who is in first?
The incumbet
She's the jew that when Trump said "you're all afraid of the NRA"
She started getting all jittery and acting jewish
oh yeah
I knew that
I thought you meant on the GOP side
Nuf said
By far I think too
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 Might have the real polls
Who is that?
Patrick Little
They're coming for all of us Boys
Let's make it red one more time Button
That's all I ask
Retarded liberal: “The AP is unbiased you dumb conservative bigot”
They are going to say everything that is liberal as unbiased tho.
@zakattack04 As long as I get a wall
The goddamn BSA are turning on their core values, turning boys to young men
I'm almost an eagle scout and I can't believe this garbage
Hi almost an eagle scout and I can't believe this garbage, I'm Dad!