Message from @Walter Johnson
Discord ID: 448648581931597826
<:trueconservative:423311896356061186> I told you
<:trueconservative:423311896356061186> if you just ran with a true conservative none of this blue wave would've ever happened <:trueconservative:423311896356061186>
What's the party split in Kentucky by proportion of electorate?
This could've all been prevented if you Drumpfkins would've just embraced true conservatism, but no
Voter registration.
we lost......
Dark blue is KY-06,
pIElover going full damage control
Bturnipsters BTFO
>likes dragon roleplaying games
District Trump won... "bubub it's dark blue!"
this is why.
The party split is equal.
We just need to abandon Identity politics and focus on conservative issues like slashing Entitlements <:trueconservative:423311896356061186>
Zak, you serious?
Not really.
Have I ever been serious?
Yet Democrats vote GOP 70-80% of the time (white).
Only when I'm unleashing the blackpill.
Am I serious.
So you're serious now?
?play 14
Retreat more whitey.
?queue list
Das rite
Now that is a blackpill.
Your backs against the wall, no more ground to conceede.
?remove 10
Added Wagner ~ Tannhäuser Overture to the queue.