Message from @FLanon

Discord ID: 493472729887145986

2018-09-23 02:26:26 UTC  

He only got like 57%, and I know Obama cleared 40%

2018-09-23 02:26:40 UTC  

Romney did slightly better than Trump in absolute terms among Whites, but did worse margin wise

2018-09-23 02:26:48 UTC  

and Trump had a far better distribution

2018-09-23 02:27:03 UTC

2018-09-23 02:27:11 UTC  

gained votes in states that mattered, lost them in states that didn't

2018-09-23 02:30:36 UTC  

ehh, I don't know about that

2018-09-23 02:30:54 UTC  

that relies on exit poll estimates of the composition of the electorate, which are faulty

2018-09-23 02:31:00 UTC  

one second, I think there was an article about this

2018-09-23 02:31:41 UTC

2018-09-23 02:32:45 UTC  

I’m tired guys

2018-09-23 02:35:55 UTC  


2018-09-23 02:38:46 UTC  

You want me to die?

2018-09-23 11:56:56 UTC  

Republican establishmentarians are worse than socialists in my opinion.

2018-09-23 11:57:25 UTC  

Socialists do not fill a vacuum in the right wing for something better, while the establishment does.

2018-09-23 11:58:07 UTC  

As a matter of fact, I find it preferable if the democrats completely turn to socialism and make themselves less palatable in most of the country.

2018-09-23 11:59:52 UTC  

The establishment of the Republicans must be torn down if we wish to see any real change made other than in the tax rate. If we were to clear out the scum in the party holding it back, then we can consolidate a GOP advantage that doesn't maintain the amnesty coalition.

2018-09-23 12:03:27 UTC  

A socialist house takeover with Trump in office could lead to major backlash in two years' time, and perhaps better people will be challengers in 2020 for the house. I am not saying that it would be good to lose the house. Simply that this poison in the party is taking up valuable space for people that could be actually getting things done instead of posturing about "principles".

2018-09-23 12:19:12 UTC  

Well said.

2018-09-23 17:22:31 UTC  

I think a lot of those establishmentarians are in office for a reason. You need those types of candidates in order to win in that distritct/state. Someone like Marsha Blackburn wouldn't be doing half as good as Bob Hugin is doing in New Jersey. Kicking them out of safe republican seats and installing an /our guy/ makes sense, but the "moderates" still have their use. The two party system created a spectrum of left vs right, ranging from Maxine Waters to the Uni Party to someone like Bill Posey. Those safe seats are always going to be there, but you need those swing seats in order to actually get anything done. I'd much rather work with the Orrin Hatches of the world to try and get something done than sit in a permanent minority while the left is constantly passing center-left laws. If the United States had a parliamentary system then I'd agree on the necessity of ideological homogeneity among the populist-right, however, we need to think of the current situation like there are 5 parties: The far-left, the center left, the center, the center right, and the far-right. We need a coalition in order to get anything done, and the center-right are the only people who will even speak to us.

2018-09-23 17:24:27 UTC  

In areas where it makes sense, maybe

2018-09-23 17:24:42 UTC  

But we can have better people in a lot of areas

2018-09-23 17:26:42 UTC  


2018-09-23 18:38:06 UTC  

@Amsel I would argue that a candidate with a RIght Wing Populist platform (ie. RIght on cultural and social issues, but more moderate on economic issues like George Wallace) would do very well in the MidWest and the Appalachian states but the GOP donors and the establishment wouldn't support those kinds of candidates because the main thing they care about is Economic issues

2018-09-23 19:27:54 UTC  

As a natsoc I'm definitely biased towards an economically left socially right platform.

2018-09-23 19:50:32 UTC  

The nazis were pretty pro-entrepreneur IIRC, weren't they?

2018-09-23 19:50:44 UTC  

Also anti-unemployment benefits

2018-09-23 20:00:50 UTC  


2018-09-23 20:02:07 UTC  

There was nothing philosophically leftist about any of the 3R's economic policies.

2018-09-25 00:45:43 UTC this is the most plausible senate prediction i'd say

2018-09-25 00:45:49 UTC  

@Rhodesiaboo do you agree?

2018-09-25 00:53:45 UTC  

@[Lex] Give a serious prediction please.

2018-09-25 00:54:18 UTC  

without tossups, a serious prediction would be:

2018-09-25 00:55:53 UTC  

This is a reasonable prediction.

2018-09-25 00:57:31 UTC  

54 Senate Seats isn't bad

2018-09-25 00:57:47 UTC  

if we had 54 Senate seats right now I think we would be having 0 problems pushing Kavanaugh through

2018-09-25 00:57:56 UTC  

probably 0 problems pushing someone even further to the right of Kavanaugh through

2018-09-25 00:58:41 UTC  


2018-09-25 00:58:58 UTC  

I do not see a net loss in the senate race.

2018-09-25 00:59:31 UTC  

But this map WILL change if different senators vote for Kavanaugh or don't vote for Kavanaugh.