Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 431784306214567936

2018-04-06 11:27:28 UTC  

@Observing Libertarian thing is, that kind of reasoning is partly why countries go to shit instead of improving, though I can't really blame them

2018-04-06 11:33:52 UTC  

@Deleted User -shrug- Democracy is the road by which the majority oppresses the minority. Sweden is filled to the brim with leftists who will endlessly roll over and allow their women and children to be raped, their culture subverted, their streets defiled, their men to chained and will excuse any action committed by a Jihadi simply because of the Marxist ideology that all human beings are identical and interchangeable - therefore by their rationale: they must hide any evidence to the contrary and o to any lengths to ignore the reality in front of their faces.

Since Sweden's a democracy and not a Representational Constitutional Republic: the leftists / progressives / liberals will maintain their ideological purity to the bitter end. The best possible scenario to play out would be for the rational minded Swedes to seek refuge elsewhere until the Muslims reach critical mass. By that I mean they reach numbers which would enable them to commit to open civil war: at which point the rational Swedes who got out can go back in having been armed by one of the freer states of Europe like Switzerland, Poland or the Czech Republic, and retake Sweden from the Muslim invaders.

if you think I'm wrong - show me where I have failed to logically determine the likely course of events.

2018-04-06 11:36:10 UTC  

I don't think you're wrong. It's actually the smart thing to do if you live in Sweden.

2018-04-06 11:36:39 UTC  


*"If I were a Swede - I'd gtfo of Swedistan, set up a government in exile in Switzerland."*

2018-04-06 11:36:44 UTC  

I do think Sweden will be easier to improve than an actual third world country who loses its top-tier talent.

2018-04-06 11:37:38 UTC  

I mentioned in this Discord yesterday that the first western country to erupt in armed conflict will be the UK or Sweden.

2018-04-06 11:37:50 UTC  

And when they do, we can hold them up as an example of leftist failure.

2018-04-06 11:38:03 UTC  

Depends on how quickly the Muslims infest it and at what volume. The longer it takes - the lower Sweden's standard of living will get as a direct result of the Muslim drain on resources via the welfare state. If it happens faster: then most of the infrastructure will remain intact.

2018-04-06 11:39:14 UTC  

The thing is, the number of Muslims won't be too relevant if they don't know how to be organized in terms of fighting.

If (well, when) another recession happens, I could see it easily happening some time in the 2020s.

2018-04-06 11:40:14 UTC  

Sweden will have a French Revolution tier event. They can't go ignoring reality for that long without building up a MAJOR backlash.

2018-04-06 11:41:12 UTC  

No no, I meant how far Sweden will drop in terms of first, second or third world status.

If the Muslims reach a population mass high enough to commit to civil war quickly: there won't be enough time to suck the state dry of resources via welfare. If it takes a long time: then Sweden will hit 3rd world status.

2018-04-06 11:42:58 UTC  

It's a race against time because every minute of every day muzzies are feeding off the Swedish welfare system as parasites.

So if the civil war happens sooner rather than later: Sweden will be far better off financially. If it takes longer the state will begin lowering the quality of services provided to citizens and eventually simple things like clean drinking water will be difficult to get a hold of.

2018-04-06 11:46:03 UTC  

Oh yeah, the more Muslims, the faster things will accelerate to civil war. That's one of the main tenets of 'accelerationism' but the thing is, I think that idea is more than a bit boneheaded.

2018-04-06 11:47:06 UTC  

(accelerationism is the idea that you should deliberately hasten decline by voting for leftist politicians and enacting extreme leftist policies to make things collapse, so that things can be restored in the ensuing civil war...but the thing is, you're not guaranteed to win)

2018-04-06 11:47:41 UTC  

Yeah, I'm aware of it, I am also aware of Siege, I too think it's a dumb as shit idea.

2018-04-06 11:52:01 UTC  

In my own video to the alt-right, I advocated for right wingers to convince centrists to support instituting just 3 key pieces of legislation in any and every western nation. And if the right could get the center to agree to just those 3 key things: it would cause the left to go from violent riots and random acts of terrorism, into open civil warfare.

Which would occur before they've managed to sink western nations to being second and third world nations: and do so before they had the necessary invasion troops on their side to actually win.

2018-04-06 11:52:17 UTC

The following dialogue taken from my video above.
"1, prosecute, to the fullest extent of the law, all criminal violations and mass deport all non-citizen violators of the law.

2, close your borders and restrict the number of legal immigrants to no more than 1% of the population proper. With a priority list which includes factors like education level, conversational level fluency in the Native language, skilled trades, etc.

3, Restrict the Welfare State to citizens and restrict it's benefits the way unemployment is restricted by measured increment of tax revenues put into the system in the way your unemployment is measured by the volume of money put into that.

-No welfare benefits for illegals.
-No welfare benefits for migrants who are not citizens.
-No multi-generational parasitism of welfare benefits. "

2018-04-06 11:54:33 UTC  

You have a YouTube channel ? Interesting.

2018-04-06 11:55:31 UTC  

I posted one of my videos in the customs channel when providing an example of opposition research with which to hang democrats in the upcoming midterms in Pennsylvania and Michigan.

2018-04-06 11:56:04 UTC  

do you want me to repost that here so you can see the example I'm talking about?

2018-04-06 11:56:46 UTC  

yeah, I'll watch this one later

2018-04-06 11:59:29 UTC  

You don't have to watch the hole thing - that particular link goes directly to the section of the video where I discuss the topic. Democrats in Pennsylvania and Michigan were virtue signalling by making a public spectacle out of writing a law to make female genital mutilation illegal in both of those states. Meanwhile - in reality land FGM is already illegal at the federal level and has been since 1996, and in the video I point out the exact law. So they were rallying public support to write a law to make something illegal, which is already illegal, and it was nothing but a cynical, manipulative, repugnant act of deception - a photo-op/publicity stunt.

2018-04-06 12:00:03 UTC  

Interesting, that's smart of them.

2018-04-06 12:01:19 UTC  

Not terribly, it only works because liberals are typical brain dead and respond to emotional rhetoric. If the Republicans in those states expose the fact that this was a grand shit show the democrats were putting on - they'd be exposed for the psychopathic pack of liars and fiends that they are.

2018-04-06 15:29:16 UTC  

The new roles remind me that I need to get to work on my images.

2018-04-06 15:29:31 UTC  

@Nuke is there anything else I can tag you with

2018-04-06 15:29:53 UTC  

Tag me with whatever you want, data/GD would fit.

2018-04-06 15:44:02 UTC  


2018-04-06 15:44:14 UTC  


2018-04-06 15:44:42 UTC  
2018-04-06 15:45:14 UTC  

Yeah, it's a bad situation with the chaos

2018-04-06 15:45:39 UTC  

NV-03 is no longer considered a tossup

2018-04-06 15:45:41 UTC  

bad news

2018-04-06 15:45:57 UTC  

There's a lot that can change from now and November though

2018-04-06 15:46:30 UTC  

The Rs should get on a message for anyone (myself included) to care about voting for them.

2018-04-06 15:46:35 UTC  

@🎃Boo-ton🎃 it looks like they're changing more districts to the right as well

2018-04-06 15:46:45 UTC  

Full List of Changes:
CA-21: Valadao (R)
Likely R to Lean R

IA-02: Loebsack (D)
Likely D to Solid D

NV-03: OPEN (Rosen) (D)
Toss Up to Lean D

NV-04: OPEN (Kihuen) (D)
Lean D to Likely D

NJ-03: Tom MacArthur (R)
Likely R to Lean R

NJ-05: Josh Gottheimer (D)
Lean D to Likely D

NY-18: Sean Patrick Maloney (D)
Likely D to Solid D

NC-09: Robert Pittenger (R)
Likely R to Lean R

OH-10: Mike Turner (R)
Solid R to Likely R

WA-03: Jaime Herrera Beutler (R)
Solid R to Likely R

WA-05: Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R)
Likely R to Lean R

WI-07: Sean Duffy (R)
Solid R to Likely R

WV-03: OPEN (Jenkins) (R)
Solid R to Likely R

2018-04-06 15:47:02 UTC  


2018-04-06 15:47:36 UTC  

I'll probably still my incumbent, but the problem with the GOP is they are disjointed and doing nothing