Message from @shrub
Discord ID: 437457270117236737
the real issue is the Israel Lobby (AIPAC)
Found the cure for homosexuality
I know gay people who do not want gay marriage.
When California Proposition 8 failed, everyone just blamed the Mormons, even though other church organizations were also against Proposition 8.
Trump Job Approval:
Approve 45%
Disapprove 45%
@wku Big Red Poll 4/11-15
Fake news.
Didn't when Gay marriage became legal the rate gays were marrying barely went up?
@Pielover19 no u
Like aren't the percentage of married gays really low?
I'll like to say only 20% of gays
barely any are monogamous
Most are promiscuous
I think there are stats on that
but it still destroys the sanctity of a marriage
the laws reflect the values of a nation
it's not about the actual effect, it's about the symbolism
Marriage was an institution in culture before a higher being in most, done by a representative of that on Earth
And it was man and woman
Yeah something like the avearge gay guy has had over a 100 partners
The family is the backbone of civilization
a lot of the older ones have like a thousand
it's fucking disgusting
Because it is a microcosm of the greater ethnicity that came from tribe and ethnicity become nationality
these people are not physically capable of stable marraiges
but that doesn't matter
now marriage is a tax break and nothing more
Gaetan Dugas , aka patant zero, had sex with like a 1000 guys in a couple weeks and gave them all HIV
the effect is now marriage doesn't mean anything
it's not holy
mission accomplished
70% of girls scared of shootings
And 51% of guys
Seems amendment worthy numbers bois
Mabye they should just leave those weird kids alone then lol
Then they wouldn't be so worried
NAh You see Walter
Millenials need to have their cake and eat it too.