Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 447158473235365888

2018-05-18 22:05:23 UTC  

<@&414473406264639488> RIP, we have to vote for Cox now

2018-05-18 22:05:47 UTC  

What happened did I miss the news

2018-05-18 22:06:06 UTC  

Lot of news in the past few hours

2018-05-18 22:06:11 UTC  

Allen was tanking in the polls anyway.

2018-05-18 22:06:13 UTC  

And what's going on with Nunes district, I'm moving there before the election

2018-05-18 22:06:18 UTC  

I've seen more Cox signs than Allen also.

2018-05-18 22:06:21 UTC  

@zakattack04 I'm still voting for Allen in the primaries

2018-05-18 22:06:28 UTC  


2018-05-18 22:06:40 UTC  

This Cox guy is a bit of cuck

2018-05-18 22:06:51 UTC  

Gunna need a cuck for a GOP to win in CA

2018-05-18 22:06:58 UTC  

@Deleted User Awesome bro

2018-05-18 22:06:58 UTC  

"My mother spoke Spanish!" @zakattack04

2018-05-18 22:07:06 UTC  

Nunes is one of the best Reps in Congress.

2018-05-18 22:07:11 UTC  

What can I do though

2018-05-18 22:07:16 UTC  

Trump is a boomer

I have my issues with him too, and many of them derive from the fact that he's not as much of an apparent True Believer as I'd like him to be

but the fact of the matter is, he ran for POTUS in a time where the cultural and political environment was utterly horrible, and showed that it's possible to WIN

He compromises with globalists and their ilk, but I wasn't expecting a purist who would pass everything I wanted.

Now, I did get what I expected. I got someone who at the very least, is preventing the powers that be from going all out. At the very least, he is buying us time. Also, I got someone who is at least distracting the SJW Left from focusing on attacking the plebs like me for "manspreading" to focusing on bitching about Trump. I also got someone who is changing the kinds of things that society at large is focusing on and discussing

2018-05-18 22:07:17 UTC  

Keep him in office

2018-05-18 22:07:30 UTC  

Just vote then?

2018-05-18 22:07:43 UTC  

I knew for a fact that the idea that he'd be some sort of dictator was utter BULLSHIT because of how the American political system is

2018-05-18 22:07:57 UTC  

@Deleted User I bet you can work for him if you want too.

2018-05-18 22:08:07 UTC  

that's also why I recognize that it's inane to critique him for minor stylistic things

2018-05-18 22:08:19 UTC  

Oh neat I didn't even think about that

2018-05-18 22:08:25 UTC  

I don't have a family to worry about getting targeted by the deep state

2018-05-18 22:08:34 UTC  

because I occupy the highest office in the world

2018-05-18 22:08:35 UTC  

Alright then, we're gonna have to completely back Cox

2018-05-18 22:08:41 UTC  

so I can't really blame him

2018-05-18 22:08:42 UTC  
2018-05-18 22:08:50 UTC  

ALLEN or bust

2018-05-18 22:08:53 UTC  

I'm voting Cox in the primaries.

2018-05-18 22:08:53 UTC  

Hi voting Cox in the primaries., I'm Dad!

2018-05-18 22:08:54 UTC  

the thing is....what chance does Cox have in California ?

2018-05-18 22:08:55 UTC  

Allen can't win here.

2018-05-18 22:09:05 UTC  

is he like Schwarzenegger

2018-05-18 22:09:08 UTC  

We can't afford to split the vote and have 2 dems continue to the general

2018-05-18 22:09:10 UTC  

Cox has a much better chance than Allen because he's a bit of a jeb teir

2018-05-18 22:09:17 UTC  

COX sucks up to the Latinos

2018-05-18 22:09:28 UTC  

Might as well in a le47% state

2018-05-18 22:09:34 UTC  

He has too.

2018-05-18 22:09:39 UTC  

ALlen cannot win.

2018-05-18 22:10:30 UTC  

What what's cox like on immigration

2018-05-18 22:11:07 UTC  

He's like Romney honestly
He flip flops a lot in hopes that he doesn't alienate anyone