Message from @ThatRightWingFish
Discord ID: 447570062237237250
ya'll niggas is cool aid😋
You’ll Cowards don’t even smoke Crack
@Rhodesiaboo degenerate
I’m joking
Anyone online?
Today was a boring day
Tonight is boring
Indeed it has
Ur mom is boring
I’m fucking pissed because the sound on my computer isn’t working.
Hi fucking pissed because the sound on my computer isn’t working., I'm Dad!
Look at those margins
We lost....
Not seeing a fallout from the shooting (not yet at least)
Every poll has Dems up by more than 5%
Dude, this is great for us
<:wojaktrump:422438927631384577> <:wojaktrump:422438927631384577>
are you just ripping BM
The Dems won’t Control the senate
Just watch the outbursts they’ll have
“Russia Caused the Blue Wave to not happen”
Did I just see an Ispos poll on there that had the Republicans up?
Unfortunately the last day of that poll was 1 day before the shooting
It's like we're jinxed or something
*Conspiracy intensifies*
I haven't heard much fuss about this shooting, though.
Most media coverage is on that stupid royal wedding.
Yeah I think they blew their load after parkland
You know what?
God bless those fucking britbongs