Message from @GermanEastAfrica
Discord ID: 449965415351713804
Based black man
"the enemy of my enemy"
Just like the Americans and Soviets coming together
yes but not unholy
well, let's get to something a bit lighter for all of our collective sanities
so, about all of that "it's over" business
Good stuff
in other good news: the girl I'm trying to get really enjoyed Falling Down
That’s really good news, good work man!
I checked styxhexenhammer’s channel today and it’s so weird seeing him actually wearing a shirt for once
We're all gonna make it.
[1 Corinthians 15:55-58]
**1 Corinthians 15:55-58 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**
<55> "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" <56> The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. <57> But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. <58> Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. ```
Anyone online?
yeah, working on some writing
So I just found out who the democrats are going to pick to run against Trump
Who the hell is this guy
stuff with the girl is really going well, she said that "Falling Down predicted the future of LA", and I also got another heart emoji
His name is Billy Macfarlane, and he’s in prison for running a shitty Music festival in 2017
@FLanon Falling Down?
>reading red storm thread
>retards actually shill for patrick little because "muh overton window"
So is red storm a bunch of shills or just retarded teenagers? Who actually falls for the patrick little "le bazed nazi" shilling?
>admit that control of house seats in california is critical to control of the house
>encourages people to vote for a candidate they acknowledge would hurt the downballot if he actually won, making it easier for democrats to take the house"
what do you think of this post
Zak made it.
The original point of /usg/rsg/ was that Roy Moore lost in Alabama--and rightfully was better than Luther Strange (other than the pedo allegations) but received insufficient support from /pol/
@Nuke what do you think of the assertion that Little would hurt Republican candidates downballot
IMO the worst case scenario for downballot Republicans is for there to not be a Senate race.
As occurred in 2016
Turnout was seriously depressed on the Republican side because not only was there no Senate race, but information about Sanchez being a blue dog was largely suppressed, and was unavailable on Wikipedia until the day after the election.
In other words
Second round > all else
@Nuke I made what?
@GD.Mike who are you voting for in 2018?
and for Senate?