Message from @FLanon
Discord ID: 450001968455352320
The original point of /usg/rsg/ was that Roy Moore lost in Alabama--and rightfully was better than Luther Strange (other than the pedo allegations) but received insufficient support from /pol/
@Nuke what do you think of the assertion that Little would hurt Republican candidates downballot
IMO the worst case scenario for downballot Republicans is for there to not be a Senate race.
As occurred in 2016
Turnout was seriously depressed on the Republican side because not only was there no Senate race, but information about Sanchez being a blue dog was largely suppressed, and was unavailable on Wikipedia until the day after the election.
In other words
Second round > all else
@Nuke I made what?
@GD.Mike who are you voting for in 2018?
and for Senate?
Isn't this good?
>Rancho Santa Margarita
what the fuck, no wonder spics moved there
But isn't this good?
It was good, that's the thing, it was struck down by the courts
Didn't know that
"Mission Viejo"
"Santa Ana"
"San Juan Capistrano"
MIssion Viejo is all mexican now
We need a Reconquista
That's really close to where I live
Like 30 seconds away
San Juan I think has a lot of whites till
School gets tons of donations
IE: white families are enrolled there
My school doesn't cause it's only half white :D
What does IE mean?
In example
Or In explanation
SOemthing only a west coastal educated elite knows how to use ๐
hey, we should make tht a roll for me and button
you guys already have Gay Nigga Jew
Oh come on.
How big is your nose?