Message from @Borb
Discord ID: 456966548725170178
what then
I dunno
Of course
Probably some time of protestant
just broadly christian then
I am Catholic
If gavin newsom takes my fucking gunI swear
But hate the pope
And most of the people in the church
the pope doesn't do his job properly
His job is to be the pope
funny how the more the church tries to reconcile the modern world, the less members it gets
And he is being a faggot
Keep the pope away from your children
Francis has to die tbh we need a new pope
they have to reverse the second vatican council
h 0 t
Does anyone have that political cartoon of two White French people in a zoo exhibit while African spectators view them from above for their amusement
haven't seen that
Should I order a anti com flag?
Troll the leftys at near by campuses
go ahead, sure
free country
I was st the Berkley riots
Honestly why I hate the antifa dykes so much
Saw it in person
They major in lesbian dance theory
Ohio Governor GE:
Mike DeWine (R) 45% (+7)
Richard Cordray (D) 38%
@AmericaFirstPAC 5/29-31 #OHgov
Daddy yes
a bit old too
People like De Niro really help us
Hopefully we see more of that