Message from @[Lex]
Discord ID: 456969843787169802
Oh no zak is playing amorous
h 0 t
Does anyone have that political cartoon of two White French people in a zoo exhibit while African spectators view them from above for their amusement
haven't seen that
Should I order a anti com flag?
Troll the leftys at near by campuses
go ahead, sure
free country
I was st the Berkley riots
Honestly why I hate the antifa dykes so much
Saw it in person
They major in lesbian dance theory
Ohio Governor GE:
Mike DeWine (R) 45% (+7)
Richard Cordray (D) 38%
@AmericaFirstPAC 5/29-31 #OHgov
Daddy yes
a bit old too
People like De Niro really help us
Do not despair. We have a great deal of time before November. Between now and then, we must redouble our efforts.
Amnesty Don
Our ancestors tamed the wilderness, built a civilization and a nation out of nothing, and conquered the West.
If we wish to be worthy of continuing their legacy, we will have to rebuild our inheritance to its proper glory and honor. And I'd argue they wouldn't want it any other way
@FLanon @ThatRightWingFish new data
Turnout for the May 15 Primary by age:
18-34: 12.9%
35-49: 24.1%
50-64: 39.6%
65+: 60.8%
Brace for impact
Which states were May 15?
North Carolina?
And antoher
PA and such
yay i was wrong.
I've got to say it's a nice whitepill that the millenials have such low turnout
Trump Job Approval:
Approve 47%
Disapprove 52%
@SurveyMonkey, Among Registered Voters, 6/7-13
Trump Job Approval:
Approve 45%
Disapprove 52%
@SurveyMonkey, Among Adults, 6/7-13
@FLanon Jews were in the CSA government
CALIFORNIA TURNOUT AS OF 6/14: Dem turnout up 52% over 2014, while Rep turnout up 24%. Given the number (at least 1.26M) of uncounted ballots, when all votes are counted, Dem turnout will be up 85%, while GOP turnout will be up 49%.