Message from @ThatRightWingFish
Discord ID: 457019307768021003
the redpill
The redpill
I'll shut up now
I'm generally against authoritarianism
Hi generally against authoritarianism, I'm Dad!
I just believe America needs to stay majority-White
I just want to Make America White Again
otherwise, we won't have America anymore
I want it to be like the good old days
When this nation was loved
When this nation was great
When people didnt burn the flag
When Americans went to church,
When Americans raised families
Are you taking this seriously?
It would be great
I am
@Borb Let me put it this way
If you replaced the people in America with the people in Mexico,
would it be the same country culturally and politically?
We will not apologize for America
Our Ancestors tamed a continent
I have truly been redpilled
Trump says a lot of controversial things,
but he should say more like that
Agree @๐Boo-ton๐
(not sure how it's controversial btw)
@Borb ๐
Because muh native Americans
@Borb Where in California are you from btw
muh death blankets
@Borb Commies and Antifa are a pretty insignificant fringe group
Muh Trails of Tear
Orange country irvine/tustin area