Message from @WildRooHuntingTutorials

Discord ID: 466805227010523146

2018-07-12 01:29:44 UTC  

add in the antifa law and a 15 yr prison sentnce for a mask, and we might had finnally finished off the left forever

2018-07-12 01:30:54 UTC  

plus the sub $2 /gal gas and removal of the fed income tax, add in another SC justice or two, and this fucker will go down as the greatest head of state of all time

2018-07-12 01:33:39 UTC  

We need rallies in the Midwest (and Pennsylvania)

2018-07-12 01:41:45 UTC  

Trump's recent rally in Michigan was pretty cool, it was in the middle of nowhere. I had to walk through a forest and someone's farmland to get to the venue. It really reinforces his working class image when he visits us peasants.

2018-07-12 01:43:10 UTC  

He needs to hold one in Ohio

2018-07-12 01:45:12 UTC  

Most Important Places for Rallies
North Carolina

2018-07-12 01:45:51 UTC  

And West Virginia

2018-07-12 01:46:09 UTC  

For 2020?

2018-07-12 01:46:10 UTC  


2018-07-12 02:08:36 UTC  

It would help to win the Senate race

2018-07-12 02:08:42 UTC  

in WV

2018-07-12 02:58:28 UTC  

Been working on this for the past couple hours, tell me what you goys think

2018-07-12 03:11:49 UTC  

hard to read

2018-07-12 03:13:34 UTC  

Do you even need the bottom section? The highlighted portions speak well enough on their own

2018-07-12 03:14:25 UTC  

Also, who is the target audience? I don't think this even phases anyone on the left really

2018-07-12 03:16:38 UTC  


2018-07-12 03:16:41 UTC  

It's just good evidence

2018-07-12 03:16:51 UTC  

and conservatives

2018-07-12 03:16:57 UTC  

who argue "Muh seperation"

2018-07-12 03:17:14 UTC  

People who are not monogamous obviously have no reason to get married

2018-07-12 03:17:18 UTC  

we need a radical traditionalist theocracy (no, no evolian "traditionalism")

2018-07-12 03:17:47 UTC  

and tbh it's only really radical in modern terms

2018-07-12 03:17:58 UTC  

put it back a hundred years ago a traditionalist theocracy isn't radical

2018-07-12 03:18:04 UTC  

but society has shifted so far to the left

2018-07-12 03:18:08 UTC  

it seems radical now

2018-07-12 03:24:16 UTC  

@FLanon Good Repill

2018-07-12 03:24:31 UTC  

I'll add it to my HomoGlobo Agenda folder

2018-07-12 03:24:56 UTC  


2018-07-12 03:25:27 UTC  

Good work fren

2018-07-12 03:25:40 UTC  

it was part of the (now deleted) advindicate article, I had to go and find the archive for it, then the book itself, and finding the book itself was extremely difficult

2018-07-12 03:25:54 UTC  

First, I'm not going to pay a single cent for a book written by two faggots

2018-07-12 03:26:38 UTC  

So I went scouring the internet for a pdf version and I eventually got desperate enough that I went and signed up for an ebook website to borrow it for a couple weeks

2018-07-12 03:26:51 UTC muh classical liberalism is traditionalist

2018-07-12 03:37:23 UTC  

This also gives a lot of good arguments against Homo Marriage

2018-07-12 03:37:54 UTC  

Yeah, I made damn sure it was well sourced

2018-07-12 03:38:02 UTC

2018-07-12 03:38:13 UTC  

What's a better source than straight from the fag's mouth?

2018-07-12 04:13:01 UTC  

@herm-3x-gr8 id love for Trump to do a rally in Manhattan, his original home base

2018-07-12 04:13:32 UTC  

I think it'd definitely be entertaining

2018-07-12 04:16:32 UTC

2018-07-12 04:17:37 UTC  
