Message from @FLanon

Discord ID: 475710382158118912

2018-08-05 16:49:57 UTC  

the ones who turn out because they're centrists who lean D can be motivated to stay home if they view the left as too extreme

2018-08-05 16:52:21 UTC  

Well, we got 10 years of extreme left. 8 years of ovomit, and 2 years of hate/resist Trump.

2018-08-05 16:52:21 UTC  

Yeah I think that a boom once the trade deals have all been signed to lower the trade barriers equally on both sides could end up having a positive effect on wages. The tariffs have already had a positive effect on steel and lowering the trade deficit, that's just from equalizing the playing field, which is what Trump's done, these countries have already had high tariffs on us, if we can have the benefit of an equal playing field AND a lot more trade w/ less barriers, it will do a lot of wonders for the economy, we'll have an export boom, tons of jobs creation, and just as long as the dipshits in Congress don't bring in a bunch of immigrants to loosen the labor supply, companies will have to start raising wages to get some of the 45 million people from the ages of 16 - 64 in this country that aren't working to start applying for jobs.

2018-08-05 16:55:20 UTC  

@FLanon Agreed, Trump should do a Made in America Trip around the reopening Steel and Aluminum Mills.

2018-08-05 16:55:38 UTC  

That would be great optics.

2018-08-05 16:55:46 UTC  

Not to mention, we are now an exporter of energy

2018-08-05 16:56:15 UTC  

@Allen46 yeah that's right, we've also had a big natural gas deal with the Europeans

2018-08-05 16:56:31 UTC  

Germany would be foolish to base their economy on Russia fuel exports

2018-08-05 16:56:47 UTC  

2 Steel Mills are opening in Ohio, he should honestly visit them like he did with the Granite City Mill

2018-08-05 16:58:02 UTC  

That with the wall which he can hopefully get in the September budget, if Trump can do a lot of ribbon cutting and ground breakings, with the slogan "Promises Made, Promises Kept" then it will do wonders for approval in the areas that elected him (and beyond), it'll also really boost midterm turnout which we definitely could capitalize on.

2018-08-05 16:58:06 UTC  

Two Sectors that would make Trump more popular in the Rust Belt is Steel, Aluminum and Auto. With NAFTA, we could see Auto Jobs come back to Michigan or Ohio

2018-08-05 16:58:37 UTC  

@FLanon that would definitely energize the base

2018-08-05 16:58:51 UTC  

And answer the question, "What has he done"

2018-08-05 16:59:15 UTC  

But then Merkel hates Trump anyway

2018-08-05 17:00:43 UTC  

The MSM has been forced to say the economy is strong, but they also put in the “but”. “ but facing headwinds”. Pheeeeew!

2018-08-05 17:01:08 UTC  

Yeah the one little area of retreat with the economy they've been given is this "trade war" narrative

2018-08-05 17:01:29 UTC  

Once the trade deals come, there'll be nothing left to criticize.

2018-08-05 17:01:58 UTC  

Hopefully, we win OH-12 this week

2018-08-05 17:02:12 UTC  

Yeah we need that

2018-08-05 17:02:39 UTC  

It's like PA-18 on a lesser scale tbh

2018-08-05 17:03:13 UTC  

Trade + Wall will definitely satisfy the base, some foreign affairs victories like maybe a denuke treaty with North Korea will also help us out a lot with general approval which could also help us.

2018-08-05 17:03:56 UTC  

Chuck you Todd, discussed the blue advantages in statesTrump won, based on turn out. Then was forced to say that the GOP had more votes. Go figure

2018-08-05 17:04:12 UTC  

About 62% of the American population believes that Kim Jong Un will never denuclearize, if Trump can do it, that will be most of the population that will be pleasantly surprised by what Trump's done.

2018-08-05 17:06:46 UTC  

Another thing about NK is this is an accomplishment that is absolutely based on Trump and his attitude. Someone with Clinton, Bush, and Obama's temperment could never get this very hard issue done. Trump used the "he's crazy" media narrative to his advantage, along with leveraging China to drop support of NK to get them to the summit. He is also not relenting whatsoever on the sanctions, which is good. We shouldn't relent until we get a binding treaty for North Korea to have complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization as a baseline for further negotiation.

2018-08-05 17:09:40 UTC  

Exactly! This is not going to happen overnight, nor without a few bumps in the road. I do know this, appeasement is not the answer. Why should America be bound by a country the size of Rhode Island?

2018-08-05 17:10:56 UTC  

Kim is an individual that cannot be trusted.

2018-08-05 17:11:27 UTC  

Yep, the NK situation isn't even the most complicated issue when it comes to foreign affairs, they're fairly isolated, and they have a single lifeline. Iran is probably the more difficult one to deal with.

2018-08-05 17:14:08 UTC  

When it comes to the Iran deal we left, it wasn't bilaterally between the US and Iran, a lot of European countries and Russia IIRC are still active in the Iran nuclear deal. It's very hard to get everyone to come around against Iran the same way with North Korea. It's much more complicated, much less cared about by normies at the momeng, but ultimately in the long run it could be much more important than North Korea to solve, the last thing anyone wants is nuclear proliferation in the middle east.

2018-08-05 17:14:21 UTC  

That’s where America must stand with the resistance of the mullahs. Chaos can be made to our advantage

2018-08-05 17:15:23 UTC  

Yeah, that's the important thing.

2018-08-05 17:16:23 UTC  

Of course, we cannot be the world police, but we can support change for independence

2018-08-05 17:16:38 UTC  

Iran has a higher level of quality of life than NK, they're also (relatively) more open than NK, which also makes revolt more likely. The key to Iran won't be full economic collapse, it'll be scaring the Iranian leadership with the idea that the people will overthrow them.

2018-08-05 17:17:42 UTC  

Power is a frightening thing to loose. Look at Hillary. Lmao!

2018-08-05 17:18:48 UTC  

I don't have much hope in NK but it's still good to be hopeful

2018-08-05 17:19:54 UTC  

Well, the thing about NK, is we can make it glow like a lighthouse warning sailors of rocks. 👏👏👏🤣🤣🤣🤣

2018-08-05 17:20:12 UTC  


2018-08-05 17:20:33 UTC  

To me the Iran issue is much less about independence and a lot more about nuclear nonproliferation. I really don't care who they have as a leader, I care if they are going to build up a nuclear stockpile because now the Saudis are threatening to build up their own nuclear stockpile, that will be very bad. Imagine a terrorist organization gaining control of a nuclear warhead. It would be disastrous. Another thing with Iran is they also may be the key to peace in the middle east if we can get them to the table. If we can get them to a joint conference with the Saudis and the Israelis, along with Russia which now is a major player in the middle east, then we could get a big peace deal to solve the conflicts that have been brewing there like the Syrian Civil War, the Yemeni Civil War, etc.

2018-08-05 17:21:21 UTC  

@Allen46 The thing though is we absolutely can, making people like Kim believe that we will consider that as a serious option is the key. We have to scare them to the table, not beg them to the table.

2018-08-05 17:29:06 UTC  

I agree that the Iranians could be a key to peace. Such a complicated issue, the civil war in Syria is still being supported by Iranian fighters as well. It’s just a screwed up mess. I believe that death and destruction is in their DNA

2018-08-05 17:29:28 UTC  

Just a very difficult topic

2018-08-05 17:30:49 UTC  

We can what if all day, but I believe huge change is the only answer. I fear it won’t be a diplomatic change