Message from @🎃Boo-ton🎃

Discord ID: 402231367162921010

2018-01-12 04:03:34 UTC

2018-01-12 04:04:08 UTC

2018-01-12 04:28:10 UTC

2018-01-12 17:44:48 UTC

2018-01-12 21:56:10 UTC  

is this one in general?

2018-01-12 21:56:32 UTC  

hello and welcome to data

2018-01-13 00:48:54 UTC

2018-01-13 01:13:39 UTC  

So based on that, it looks like there might be a blue wave?

2018-01-13 01:41:18 UTC  

yes, but again, it can be minimized

2018-01-13 02:53:00 UTC  

What makes the midterms flip to the opposite party of the President that was elected before it?

2018-01-13 02:57:31 UTC  

midterms are seen as referendums on the ruling party

2018-01-13 02:58:09 UTC  

the opposition party usually has higher turnout because their voters are motivated to stop the ruling party's agenda

2018-01-14 22:44:00 UTC  

Virginia election data

2018-01-15 02:30:05 UTC

2018-01-31 21:45:20 UTC  

D+2.9: R 236; D 199
D+5.9: R 231; D 204
D+7.9: R 225 ; D 210
D+9.9: R 218; D 217
D+12.9: R 196; D 239

2018-02-01 00:28:06 UTC  

I have read that the Libertarians caused the Democrat Pickup in 2016

2018-02-01 00:33:38 UTC  

Which Democrat pickup?

2018-02-01 00:34:08 UTC  

Trump probably would have won in New Hampshire and Nevada were it not for the Libertarians

2018-02-01 00:34:16 UTC  

he also could have won Minnesota

2018-02-01 00:34:18 UTC  

I doubt that

2018-02-01 00:34:51 UTC  

The type of people who voted for gary weren't potential MAGA guys, I can tell you that.

2018-02-01 00:38:00 UTC  

why not ?

2018-02-01 00:38:12 UTC  

Trump has libertarian appeal

2018-02-01 00:38:37 UTC  

Styxhexenhammer666 was originally planning to vote for Johnson but decided to choose Trump

2018-02-01 00:38:50 UTC  

they were more the lulzy "haha fuck trump and clinton" type of libertarians, the people who say and are proud of being third party for the sake of being third party.

2018-02-01 00:39:04 UTC  

@FLanon yeah I'm familiar with those types

2018-02-01 00:39:07 UTC  

I think the vast majority of those people wouldn't have voted otherwise

2018-02-01 00:39:26 UTC  

but I think there are people who voted for Johnson who would have been willing to vote for Trump if the libertarian presence wasn't as strong

2018-02-01 00:40:01 UTC  

Now if Ron Paul or someone of that nature was running on the Libertarian ticket, I'd be humming a different tune. That may have stolen votes.

2018-02-01 00:40:41 UTC  

also, Evan McMullin stole enough votes in Minnesota that you could say it would have gone to Trump otherwise