Message from @🎃Boo-ton🎃

Discord ID: 402230270901878804

2018-01-14 22:34:08 UTC  

Moore was popular among conservatives in Alabama for quite some time

2018-01-14 22:34:43 UTC  

He was known for his religious rulings as a judge for decades,

2018-01-14 22:34:59 UTC  

Bannon or not, he was always likely to win the primary

2018-01-14 22:35:17 UTC  

@🎃Boo-ton🎃 yeah, I think I might have heard of Moore years ago back when that 10 Commandment thing was in the news

2018-01-14 22:35:31 UTC  

there's no real way of knowing now I guess

2018-01-14 22:36:00 UTC  

he definitely shouldn't have watched football during that last weekend though

2018-01-14 22:36:20 UTC  

God, I hope another scandal doesn't break out in the near future

2018-01-14 22:36:24 UTC  

here's something very important to keep in mind: people on /pol/ and other right wing spaces on the Internet ....are NOT the same thing as GOP voters

2018-01-14 22:37:00 UTC  

during those last few days of the presidential campaign, Trump was fucking grinding it with those rallies, 4 states in a day, that's the mentality we need

2018-01-14 22:37:05 UTC  

there are many, many GOP voters who are old people who don't even know how to use the Internet that well

2018-01-14 22:37:10 UTC  

There are two types of GOP voters,

2018-01-14 22:37:40 UTC  

small town voters without college degrees, and college-educated voters in the suburbs

2018-01-14 22:37:57 UTC  

people from /pol/ would have been fine voting for Moore, but some old lady getting her news from local talk radio (which apparently railed hard against Moore), would have voted write-in or abstained

2018-01-14 22:38:03 UTC  

Trump is popular amongst the first, but not the other, which poses trouble for the midterms

2018-01-14 22:38:18 UTC  

the thing is, people aren't voting for Trump in the midterms

2018-01-14 22:38:30 UTC  

I'd argue that people are overemphasizing it as a "referendum on Trump"

2018-01-14 22:38:39 UTC  

I thought that too, but,

2018-01-14 22:38:43 UTC  

The rich who live in the suburbs watching Fox the whole time definitely stayed home in AL

2018-01-14 22:38:51 UTC  

no question

2018-01-14 22:38:54 UTC  

in the Virginia gubertorial race,

2018-01-14 22:39:29 UTC  

2 to 1 voters say they voted for Northam to show opposition to Trump

2018-01-14 22:39:45 UTC  

in New Jersey, it was 3 to 1

2018-01-14 22:40:03 UTC  

sauce ?

2018-01-14 22:40:17 UTC  

those people probably would have voted for Northam regardless

2018-01-14 22:41:05 UTC  

and when you interview them as they walk out the polls, then ask them "is showing opposition against Trump a reason" , they could easily say 'yes'

2018-01-14 22:41:20 UTC  

but the thing is, they would have voted for the D candidate anyway

2018-01-14 22:41:50 UTC

2018-01-14 22:42:10 UTC  

Jill Vogel, the Trump candidate in the Lieutenant Governor race, got around the same percentage as Trump

2018-01-14 22:42:18 UTC  

while Gillespie, who shunned Trump, got less

2018-01-14 22:42:50 UTC  

I mean, its Virginia, one of the more blue states.

2018-01-14 22:43:46 UTC  

not by much though

2018-01-14 22:45:20 UTC  

also, look at this shift from 2016 to 2017

2018-01-14 22:45:32 UTC  

both from Virginia btw

2018-01-14 22:46:12 UTC  

not a big difference

2018-01-14 22:46:14 UTC  

going from +4 Republican to +3 Democrat is a troubling change

2018-01-14 22:46:25 UTC  

it looks like a turnout thing'

2018-01-14 22:46:38 UTC  


2018-01-14 22:47:08 UTC  

arguably there are aa loty of Trump voters who stayed home and didn't want Gillespie

2018-01-14 22:47:26 UTC  

again, Vogel did better as the Trump candidate

2018-01-14 22:47:30 UTC  

that's a problem

2018-01-14 22:47:36 UTC  

what did that video of the truck mowing down the kids actually scare them or something