Message from @bootsandboys

Discord ID: 705963592922693702

2020-05-02 01:47:11 UTC  

Well everything is heavily regulated and the authorities don't appreciate the thought of someone defending themselves. Makes their job easier if they're assured of superiority if challenged. And the amount of new inmates must be kept steady afterall

2020-05-02 01:49:19 UTC  

look on the bright side, y'all have a republican governor for a while. Deval would have done some michigan level stuff during 'these trying times'

2020-05-02 01:55:43 UTC  

Baker is as much a Republican as Romney was. Our state Republican party numbers in the low thousands. Any politician here must be willing to surrender any shred of conviction they may have had. But I agree, having a full fledged Democrat in the corner office would be like having an Emperor. Unlimited power

2020-05-02 01:56:28 UTC  


2020-05-02 01:57:34 UTC  

yeah i guess i should have put 'republican' in quotes

2020-05-02 01:59:04 UTC  

what's vermont doing? they seem quiet...maybe too quiet. Are they plotting to get their half of the river back? To Arms!!

2020-05-02 01:59:51 UTC  

Vermont is closed. They are only open during normal buisness hoursπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

2020-05-02 02:00:03 UTC  

It's late up there

2020-05-02 02:00:22 UTC  

they've got syrup to make or something

2020-05-02 02:01:08 UTC  

Bernie told them to keep their mouths shut so Hillary doesn't sell them to Canada

2020-05-02 02:01:49 UTC  

what are they offering?

2020-05-02 02:02:26 UTC  

Nova Scotia. I say we take them up on it.

2020-05-02 02:03:06 UTC  

i'm on board with there a petition I need to sign somewhere

2020-05-02 02:04:04 UTC  

i'll throw in NY as a sweetener

2020-05-02 02:05:14 UTC  

Nah, they already filled them out. Signed and everything. Just waiting for Biden to take office so they can say he did it. They'll tell him he did it for a sniff of Canadian girls hair. Then by the time anyone notices, Biden will have forgotten

2020-05-02 02:05:28 UTC  


2020-05-02 02:06:16 UTC  

Canada rejected the NY offer. Something about not opening that can of worms

2020-05-02 02:06:39 UTC  

are there girls in canada..I mean I know the prime minister is one..but are there others?

2020-05-02 02:06:48 UTC  

Could understand them, they drifted into French

2020-05-02 02:07:13 UTC  

Lots. Hard to tell under the winter clothing I know

2020-05-02 02:07:16 UTC  

The French speaking girls are one of the few redeeming things about Canada

2020-05-02 02:07:42 UTC  

gonna need evidence

2020-05-02 02:07:53 UTC  


2020-05-02 02:08:49 UTC  

For 50 bucks you can gather as much evidence as you want in Montreal. They may or may not speak French but they'll do that other thing you likeπŸ˜‚

2020-05-02 14:17:22 UTC  

<@&704842971777990726> today’s the day for the rally 12-2 at the state house. Some of us are meeting at the prescription center across the street from the capitol building. Come out if you can so we can meet up and get some faces to the names.

2020-05-02 21:25:21 UTC  

Wholesome content

2020-05-02 21:58:48 UTC  

I only took a few pics, and I'm by no means a photographer, but here's a few

2020-05-02 22:15:07 UTC

2020-05-02 22:22:25 UTC  

I cropped this better

2020-05-02 22:27:01 UTC  

That's what I like to see!!!

2020-05-02 23:46:27 UTC  

That man is my spirit animal

2020-05-02 23:47:01 UTC  

I really love the shoes too. Loads of fucks given in that get-upπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

2020-05-02 23:48:54 UTC  

Just about everyone was super friendly

2020-05-02 23:58:39 UTC  

Everyone was super nice

2020-05-02 23:58:46 UTC  

Shame these things get a bad rap

2020-05-03 00:03:59 UTC  

How did I miss the free hugs?? I love me some hugsπŸ˜‚

2020-05-03 00:05:14 UTC  

Oh, and @Mountain Man πŸ” your a hellava lot taller than I pictured. Don't know why I thought youd be shorter, but I was

2020-05-03 00:31:23 UTC  

Yeah I’m a tall guy lmao

2020-05-03 01:56:01 UTC  

Wish I'd have been there, I will be back up there on Wednesday. Good on you guys, looks like it was a good day. People here in VA are always sketched out by Live Free Or Die on my license plate lol

2020-05-03 02:04:33 UTC  

NH is the place to be

2020-05-04 18:28:06 UTC  

Hey guys, I'm from lakes region