Message from @Seeker of Truth
Discord ID: 508694186732552194
People are wising up to it
yes for some time now
and yet more people are doing it
its shocking how many transgendered are already in entertainment, its very pervasive
some of the videos are taken down on transvestigations, like the one on brook shields
I think the trans thing comes from the belief in the concept that God (Adanai, etc.) is not only male or female not only light or dark but all of those things combined... so they try to emulate the dualistic nature.
first off putting names to GOD isn't appropriate
the creator shouldn't have idols either, says so in 10 commandments
I tend to think that god is a male, man was created in his image
but he might be completely sexless, its not really for us to have any inkling on it
well everyone can belief what they choose to
and guessing doesn't change the fact that we will probably never know for certain
I don't know. I just continue my studies of all things.
this is a good example of what people shouldn't be doing,
Baal is actually some pagan god
the most important thing is going back to the earliest originating texts to see what the original words were and how they have since been mistranslated
origins are important
one lie to rule them all
or is it just one lie of many lies?
odd just did a big video dump about an hour ago
IPS live
Exlains Perspective, Atmosphere, equatorial mounts, Southern Star Rotation
Those damned libtards. They justify cheating by saying it is for the betterment of society. Isn’t that just the most ironic thing I’ve ever heard?
Travel will be difficult and eventually, only the select few will be allowed to travel. The New World Order begins.
I believe in accepted social behaviour and decorum, but this social credit system is just taking it too far.
Yup. Brennan and Clapper, 2 of the most traitorous members of the CIA. They should face military tribunals for their crimes.
This is an interesting statistic. Is this a case where corporate greed causes them to hire and train cheap labor vs hiring the more costly educated and trained graduates?
"Like, why are they even journalists? They’re terrible. Terrible people." - Elon Musk
Huh? Now Elon is attacking the press? Oh this is a gem. 😂