Message from @^Kevin^

Discord ID: 508686371628515349

2018-11-04 16:49:02 UTC  

it seems that many or most of the once thought to be leading ladies in films were actually male [originally]

2018-11-04 16:49:45 UTC  

size of head in relation to shoulder width is a good indication as well as the shape of the hip / stomach area

2018-11-04 16:50:09 UTC  

though, there are some females that are not as curvy as others

2018-11-04 16:50:22 UTC  

people come in different shapes and sizes

2018-11-04 16:52:16 UTC  

as for sexual relations with children or adolescents that practice goes back to ancient times, though usually kept secret and done by political or religious (pagan) leaders

2018-11-04 16:52:34 UTC  

now its more in the spotlight / mainstream

2018-11-04 16:53:09 UTC  

the elite / rich / powerful have been doing it for a very long time

2018-11-04 16:53:31 UTC  

these satan worshippers eat feces, drink piss, promote desecration of the body, want things that defy GOD like "do what thou wilt."

2018-11-04 16:53:43 UTC  

kill babies, eat them, etc

2018-11-04 16:54:06 UTC  

all of those things must be done when signing a blood contract to make those millions / billions of dollars

2018-11-04 16:54:24 UTC  


2018-11-04 16:54:47 UTC  

People are wising up to it

2018-11-04 16:55:00 UTC  

yes for some time now

2018-11-04 16:55:22 UTC  

and yet more people are doing it

2018-11-04 16:55:23 UTC  

its shocking how many transgendered are already in entertainment, its very pervasive

2018-11-04 16:56:16 UTC  

some of the videos are taken down on transvestigations, like the one on brook shields

2018-11-04 16:56:57 UTC  

I think the trans thing comes from the belief in the concept that God (Adanai, etc.) is not only male or female not only light or dark but all of those things combined... so they try to emulate the dualistic nature.

2018-11-04 16:57:41 UTC  

first off putting names to GOD isn't appropriate

2018-11-04 16:58:01 UTC  


2018-11-04 16:58:01 UTC  

the creator shouldn't have idols either, says so in 10 commandments

2018-11-04 16:58:37 UTC  

I tend to think that god is a male, man was created in his image

2018-11-04 16:59:14 UTC  

but he might be completely sexless, its not really for us to have any inkling on it

2018-11-04 16:59:37 UTC  

well everyone can belief what they choose to

2018-11-04 16:59:49 UTC  

and guessing doesn't change the fact that we will probably never know for certain

2018-11-04 17:00:01 UTC  

I don't know. I just continue my studies of all things.

2018-11-04 17:02:54 UTC  

this is a good example of what people shouldn't be doing,

2018-11-04 17:03:08 UTC  

Baal is actually some pagan god

2018-11-04 17:16:15 UTC  

the most important thing is going back to the earliest originating texts to see what the original words were and how they have since been mistranslated

2018-11-04 17:16:28 UTC  

origins are important

2018-11-04 17:29:05 UTC  

ball worship XD

2018-11-04 17:33:46 UTC  

globus cruciger

2018-11-04 17:33:57 UTC

2018-11-04 17:34:01 UTC  

one lie to rule them all

2018-11-04 17:34:27 UTC  

or is it just one lie of many lies?

2018-11-04 19:32:29 UTC  

odd just did a big video dump about an hour ago

2018-11-04 20:53:51 UTC  


2018-11-04 22:37:57 UTC  
