Message from @Mountain Man 🏔
Discord ID: 710202088873001101
Give them a gift card to some fast food joint. It’s better than cash or a grocery gift card cuz then they won’t buy drugs or alcohol and forces them to buy actual food
In the winter we could buy jackets and pants and wool blankets and include that. Even if you just got cheap good will stuff it’d make a world of difference
This is all really good stuff
There’s a big city in my town where homelessness is a problem. Like we pass them all the time on the way to the bars. I’ve wanted to do something like this for a while. If we had an actual pamphlet and we got a good group going we could stockpile a bunch of supplies and go hand them out.
That is based af. I dig it.
Is there someone working on the pamphlet now? I’m in a few different groups on here and there’s a lot of talk, which is good, but idk if anyone is on the task
These are amazing ideas
I mean I could get something going without the pamphlet. But it would be nice to rally around a cause and bring awareness when people ask
Gotta can sell gift cards to these machines at stop and shop. And I had drug dealers that would give like 75 cents on the dollar for gift cards lol
If there is a will, there is a way when it comes to drugs and alcohol. Nothing with value is safe.
That's another argument in favor of actual items. No drug dealer is gonna take gauze and a can opener as payment
> Gotta can sell gift cards to these machines at stop and shop. And I had drug dealers that would give like 75 cents on the dollar for gift cards lol
@GRANITE damn didn’t know about that. I never shopped at stop and shop
I mean yeah when a human really wants something they’ll go get it. They’d probably barter off clothes and even water bottles for drugs and smokes
Give out actual food instead of something to get it.
Make sack lunches or serve soup or whatever.
They sure will Regan. Especially for fentanyl.
There's plenty of places providing food and clothing here. Nobody to my knowledge gives survival tools.
We could give them like legit fruits and veggies and maybe some blankets maybe some first aid stuff
> There's plenty of places providing food and clothing here. Nobody to my knowledge gives survival tools.
@Bogs_Bunny there’s a couple around here but when I’m walking downtown it’s depressing walking by these camps of people just sleeping outside 24/7 with no hope
I get that’s life. And life sucks but if we do this and show we care about our communities it would be so hard to write a hit piece on people taking care of their communities
Luckily we have a place that serves three solid meals cafeteria style Monday thru Friday.
There's places here that provide clothing as well for free. Medical basics might be the way to go.
sounds like this pamplet needs to be localised
Gauze, antibiotic ointment, athletes foot cream, topical pain relief.
maybe make the bare bones with branding for the movement and then have a blank page where local information can be added for services that are avalible. then add it to the care packages
That’s a good idea
@Danvers head over to the role request chat and throw down your stare and what you can do
Lmao what did we say that at the exact same time?
Ohh no lol I didn’t even see you said it too
I’m driving that’s my excuse
Lmao no worries. Getting your post count up 😂
@Danvers so I actually made a bare bones starter for a pamphlet. It would take a bit of time for you(or anyone) to fill in the spaces, but its a start anyways. Best part is probably that it can be localized as you suggested
i like it
not bad but it might be information overload. personally id try and get it down to 3 -4 points Who are we? What do we want? Why are we doing this? What we can do for you?
also we need a slogan thats easy to remember
something like "Liberty, for all or none"
i do think we need more just because we have a broad range of topics to debate people accuse us of being racists who just want haircuts and think everyone is a LARPER i think having a range like what Madison has proposed is good but thats just me