Message from @flyingwolf
Discord ID: 707744062618337380
I mean
He hasnt been the only one ive called daddy since i was 16 sweet pea. Dont think youre special
do i need to make this weirder
Lmao, I believe that.
Is weirder possible at this point
He's a furry, so yes.
I have no shame.
Def time I check out. Be on guard guys....shes pretty twisted
It is.
Have a good one Sparky, chat later.
Yeah, we definitely warped that one
I stand corrected
Bet you didn't count on every seeing fish sex
Do you tie it to your belt or something? Idk how you could get the tail to stay.
Things were going south. Had to help accelerate it
Oh no @Reno
You innocent soul
i mean i can accelerate it more
If I see furry shit, I swear. I see enough of that on the other server.
Haha no furry shit
rip this server
> If I see furry shit, I swear. I see enough of that on the other server.
The... Other? Server lol
It's not a related server... just some... other stuff.
Uhhh huh
Other stuff...
How much can i taint this channel....
This channel needs to remain relatively clean.