Message from @Human Sheeple
Discord ID: 553371603027755010
@Human Sheeple i got ranks I didnt even pick
Mind your language, consider this a caution ok?
My buttock is sore
Sit on ice
reaction role breaks a lot
Try doing something with your life
sup guys
hey citizen
sup @Citizen Z
@Ernald_Rombel please don't make noises like that
Off work in a bit
Im a proud Republican but pizzagate is bs from the gayest corners of 4chan
cool story
@Human Sheeple I know how to choose roles, don't cuck me by choosing my tags
@Human Sheeple Do you know of any earth model paintings that replicate the apollo 17 blue marble?
Not done with traditional brushes
atmospheric diffusion + a 50 year old camera
must be an airbrush
Have you personally been this high to verify this is a photo or a painting?
How would you know if it were a real photo?
Because a government test pilot sworn under oath under penalty of death told you so?
That's whom you worship
coriolis effect causing the swirling of clouds that coincidentally look like 6s
Lucifer, the globe is Lucifer
so we live on satan
@Unpaid Intern May I please see cause and effect experimental evidence of coriolis effect?
what you're saying is that we can't trust the government's conclusions of what the earth looks like, so we should trust your conclusions instead
@Human Sheeple the burden of proof is on you
you drew some 6s on the earth in MS paint