Message from @Human Sheeple
Discord ID: 553369109946171402
@Human Sheeple I dont wanna talk in VC I also cant talk in VC atm
I been mf muted
who did this
@DamCore have you ever seen the twin towers
oh no I have been silenced
My ass is sore
@Human Sheeple bro can I get an unmute
@Human Sheeple i got ranks I didnt even pick
Mind your language, consider this a caution ok?
My buttock is sore
Sit on ice
reaction role breaks a lot
Try doing something with your life
sup guys
hey citizen
sup @Citizen Z
Off work in a bit
Im a proud Republican but pizzagate is bs from the gayest corners of 4chan
cool story
@Human Sheeple I know how to choose roles, don't cuck me by choosing my tags
@Human Sheeple Do you know of any earth model paintings that replicate the apollo 17 blue marble?
It's an airbrush painting
Not done with traditional brushes
atmospheric diffusion + a 50 year old camera
must be an airbrush
Have you personally been this high to verify this is a photo or a painting?
How would you know if it were a real photo?
Because a government test pilot sworn under oath under penalty of death told you so?
That's whom you worship