Message from @Someguy

Discord ID: 419322324958052353

2018-03-03 02:20:19 UTC  

@Nester also since they're so damn many there's a lot of genius among all the stupid.

2018-03-03 02:23:07 UTC  

there's not many indians

2018-03-03 02:23:12 UTC  

in america

2018-03-03 02:23:18 UTC  

oh you mean like indian immigrants

2018-03-03 02:23:30 UTC  

Yeah, not native Americans.

2018-03-03 02:23:47 UTC  

one of the wealthiest minorities

2018-03-03 02:23:50 UTC  

maybe the wealthiest

2018-03-03 02:23:56 UTC  

very selected

2018-03-03 02:27:35 UTC  

Lol in Swedish we call native Americans "indianer" and Indians "indier" but the left changed the word for sub Saharan Africans which used to be "neger", in all practial sense it's illegal to say now, you could even be fined for it if someone feels hurt by it although everyone said it until the early 2000's I still say it, always will I refuse to adopt newspeak. It was always a neutral word and Africans always called themselves "neger" too. What they're now called is literally blacks so "svarta" which is just copied from English for no fucking reason.

2018-03-03 02:28:12 UTC  

@devolved yeah I'm not surprised, the smart Indians comes to America not the majority stupids.

2018-03-03 02:30:32 UTC  

a handy way i distinguish between the two is 'dot' and 'feather'

2018-03-03 02:31:17 UTC  

We now also have a word for a third or unspecified gender which make me puke a bit in my mouth whenever I hear it.

2018-03-03 02:31:35 UTC  

yeah we say faggot too here

2018-03-03 02:31:57 UTC  


2018-03-03 02:32:42 UTC  

Well I don't like that the communists in control change our language to suit their mental illnesses.

2018-03-03 02:33:30 UTC  

i'm used to it now.. all my life every few years we've been trained to find a new name for niggers

2018-03-03 02:33:40 UTC  

and the last name for them is always offensive now

2018-03-03 02:33:48 UTC  

to quote diversity_is_racism, sapir-whorf was their battle cry

2018-03-03 02:34:01 UTC  

colored person is offensive, person of color is fine? get the fuck out of here

2018-03-03 02:35:03 UTC  

i wonder how long i'll get away with calling them wakandans without them chimping out

2018-03-03 02:37:12 UTC  

@Ron885 haha yeah that's so funny 😄

2018-03-03 02:41:10 UTC  

What's funny though about gypsies "zigenare" is everyone calls them zigenare but it's offensive and we're supposed to call them "romer" romas, but nobody cares because literally everyone hates them 😄

2018-03-03 02:41:19 UTC  

So they don't care about it.

2018-03-03 02:41:49 UTC  

When you mention a gypsies it's never in a positive context ever.

2018-03-03 02:42:12 UTC  

We got invaded by them in 2010 and their sole purpose being here is to commit crimes.

2018-03-03 02:44:07 UTC  

we just got gypsies here

2018-03-03 02:44:10 UTC  

Oh yeah they're mostly called "EU migrants" because they're from EU countries but nobody says that because it's just a way to make them seem better like it could be anyone not specifically gypsies.

2018-03-03 02:44:20 UTC  

@Ron885 I feel sorry for you.

2018-03-03 02:44:21 UTC  

some fuck from the obama administration parked 100 of them in a really small town a little south of here

2018-03-03 02:44:26 UTC  

fuckers are destroying the place

2018-03-03 02:44:26 UTC  

@Ron885 what country?

2018-03-03 02:44:30 UTC  


2018-03-03 02:45:22 UTC  

it's a college town, maybe a few thousand students at the college and a total population of 10k permanently for the town.. just imagine what 100 gypsies are doing

2018-03-03 02:45:38 UTC  

(raping the women, killing pets for food in the street.. that sort of nigger-tier shit)

2018-03-03 02:45:46 UTC  

Oh okay, well I don't know about gypsies in the US, actually ethnically I think they're kinda diverse although they're still gypsies but the ones who are native to Sweden since further back in time aren't nomads and are mixed with Swedes.

2018-03-03 02:45:58 UTC  

Doesn't even look like gypsies oftentimes.

2018-03-03 02:46:05 UTC  

they imported them from somewhere

2018-03-03 02:46:08 UTC  


2018-03-03 02:46:19 UTC  

But the gypsies from the continent are fucking subhumans.

2018-03-03 02:46:36 UTC  

yeah, these are probably from central europe somewhere

2018-03-03 02:46:37 UTC  

Yeah gypsies live like animals.