Message from @✧Mike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)✧
Discord ID: 558394771668729864
This is how these flat earth braindead people work: I have no proof and so I will just avoid answering
if you jump, why do you fall back down then
its weak and holds the universe together
yes its very weak
and it exists
NASA doesn't go into "outer space"
ur argument is prove it @🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄 but when we ask u to prove it all we get is that we are on trial and that **we** have to show prrof
even your own explanations are funny af
its a theory but i dont see you jumping out of windows
@JackC see how stubborn you ARE? i TAUGHT YOU "round" is a misnomer, ...because ..things can be falt AND round
it is round tho
You need to prove there's a pull towards the earth. Which the earth would need a core to do. @𝓗𝓪𝓼𝓬𝓪𝓻 So, you need to prove a core exists before you can claim gravity exists.
but the core is just the centre
earth isn't a perfect sphere but it is more like a sphere than fuking flat
but, i literally just taught that kid about "round" not 10 mins ago
TYPICAL Glober ! Smfhhh...
it has a centre of mass, which is the centre of gravity
typical flattie
just remember space gaps are crucial to moon travel
nasa told me so
and i saw star trek ufos are real
@𝓗𝓪𝓼𝓬𝓪𝓻 Oh, it's much more than simply a center, my friend. It has magical properties that have yet to be proven.
saw it ina movie
humans landed on the moon and the earth is round, how can people not accept that
typical flattie
Like pulling things to it
but ur just as stubborn about ur beliefs and respond the same sh itt y responses that don't prove anything
Or producing a magnetic field that is impossible from super heated metals.