Message from @Tejiu The Gecko
Discord ID: 564137813852028962
It definitely explains the Yuga Cycles very well.
Baguette._.Boi, this command is disabled in this channel. <:SMILESWEAT6:403540174069432320>
and btw you cant manipulate gravity i think its constant force
you can't manipulate gravity, because gravity does not exist
you can manipulate other things though
actually it does and it can be proven in a variety of ways
prove r
prove gravity as a cause of things falling to the ground
I will wait
but not hold my breath
for the sake of this argument i would bring in black holes because youll just say they dont exist
No manipulation, no cause and effect, no experiment, no proof
Gravity is a fraudulent thief.
Much like a rival doctor who jealously steals another doctors work and passes it off as it's own.
Gravity stole the work of dielectric and electromagnetic properties.
prove circumference of the ground / all the oceans
document it
with witnesses
How would people explain how you are able to see the iss through a telescope?
Is that really fake when you can do it yourself??
and video footage
wanna see a real picture of the whole thing
This is what you see
Is this rotating?
a photograph that is non-composite
once you have provided all of these things, then I will consider
There is a ton of videos of people film the iss through a telescope you can do it yourself
but not before
@Tejiu The Gecko Is that pokeball rotating?
looks can be deceiving
yeah ive seen the iss myself through my friends telescope
@eletrick33 Is that pokeball rotating?
Not truly because it is pixels and pixels are 2d space
i think so
@Tejiu The Gecko Correct
You also see this through a telescope