Message from @Asatru Artist - MD
Discord ID: 520400619018649604
honestly I'm glad I didn't buy a car in high school
would have been a waste of money
I'm an only child but I have a large family with a ton of cousins and we all live in walking distance, ranging from the same street to 5 blocks over etc. I grew up around them and we were all raised as brothers and sisters so I don't really feel like an only child
Feels good to have a family that's lived in the same radius of like 10 minutes for 3 or 4 generations
I could never imagine moving far
im stuck in MD because my wifes family is nearby and she wouldn't leave them
my parents moved to Kentucky a decade ago.
i would love to move to the country somewhere.
@Kingfish That's kind of how my cousins live. They're pretty close with each other and I think some of them are only children. Some of them also live in a big multi generation house.
It's a great experience. It also means your family is big and is pretty well known locally
oh ya they basically own the street that they live on
a lot of their other neighbors are like second cousins or something
the road I lived on when I was younger had a family like that. Tons of the same family on the road.
kinda cool
my dad just had to be contrarian though 🙄
What do you all enjoy for studying music or focus tunes?
@PatrickAZ Depends on if I am reading or writing.
Writing I can use more intricate or distracting stuff.
What vein of classical?
If I am reading, I actually like [non lewd!] ASMR.
@PatrickAZ depends on what I'm doing. Or what I'm focusing on
when i was studying, i usually had heavy metal on though... <:nervous:359009898115104770>
@PatrickAZ Nothing because it distracts me
@Asatru Artist - MD lo-fi 👌🏻
@Asatru Artist - MD that's what I may have to switch to.
Probably nothing. Dead silence in the still of the night. Maybe a fire place crackle @PatrickAZ
@CarletonJ lo-fi metal? Black metal or just low-fi music.
I don't understand people who *freak out* when someone has a conversation in the library, but they're perfectly fine doing their homework with music blaring
But anything physical rocks always a solid go to
Funks good too
I'm the other way around. I don't really really give a shit if you have a reasonably volumed conversation in a public place, but there's just no way I can do anything productive with music on.
@PatrickAZ lo-fi hip hop. I'll link you. That or piano music. Ludovico Einaudi is absolutely amazing
Though, to be fair, I have a very hard time studying in libraries in the first place
I basically need to be alone