Message from @ry_
Discord ID: 493254133248294924
Less everyone pings -_-
@Azrael wanna talk to you when you get on
Suggestion: Make a tech channel to discuss tech
delete this message if you suck giraffe cock
Suggestion: kys
suggestion: sacrifice @Tinker Tom
suggestion: sacrifice @Tinker Tom
suggestion: sacrifice @Tinker Tom
suggestion: sacrifice @Tinker Tom
suggestion: sacrifice @Tinker Tom
suggestion: sacrifice @Tinker Tom
suggestion: sacrifice @Tinker Tomsuggestion: sacrifice @Tinker Tom
get ouy of here
go back to geberal
@Captain Kirk JT Suggestion: Make a tech channel to discuss tech
less pings
Revive tech channel.
Kino channel.
Make a channel for nudes
@bbymarlsss <#484795964272410637>
Make a channel devoted to elder scrolls lore for nerds such as myself
todd howard
Channel for kik and SC sloots?
@Deleted User fuck yes
@InsaneIntheMembrane already enough of those. Plus there's <#484795499141005347>
Kirk I would have gotten you a good music bot but the owner can't stand the fact everyone is a "man baby"
rythm bot
fred boat
@Sphanz tell him he's a spastic retard and we're just shitposters
The thing is that he has to be an admin with basically all the abilities to properly set up the bot
I don't think kirk is ok with that